
4.6K 216 9

This is BIG, this book reached "100K" today. I wasn't really looking at the view but I was changing some profile things when I saw it.

Extremely thankful for you all.

I wasn't planning on publishing but since you all helped me reached so far here is a small gift from my side.

Another important thing I wanted to discuss before this chapter. These chapter are dark- now I know dark means many things I would say this dark means it holds thoughts and action too deep that can't be handle by all. So if you are a sensitive reader please do not read it.

Lastly, I know you all love my chapters just as much as I do because of which I need your help to protect these stories. I honestly work hard which I say rarely and I am introvert so I don't know how to tell people my problems I am facing at times but I still keep writing these books and honestly all I want is that maybe someone actually learn something and to help someone. Often stories with view is to help you all and some other are for you all to just read a enjoyable story to feel happy.

I know this is getting long (sorry) so I will end it that if you find a book, concept, dialogue, characters or anything being copied send me a personal message please so I can take steps and inform my fellow readers. It's a insult for both of us because you are the one who loved this book and I am it's writer.

Please do not take other works to gain some view that is not life or achievement. If you want to write something start write. I wasn't this good (I don't think I am still good) I started from the worse writing ever and reached here. So, please, write your own and use your own imagination so when you get recognized it's all your own hard work.

Thank you so much for reading this long paragraph. Sorry for delaying your reading.

I love you all.


Her eyes open to the sharp suns rays that enter inside her darkroom.

She loves it.

To be awake at this time is something she recently started liking. After a long painful journey to be able to be awake in peace is something she comes to like.

She heard her alarm going off turning it down she walks towards her bathroom.

She stands in her trance looking at the people around her. Her condo is at the top floor of the poshest building giving her a beautiful view of the sea in front of her eyes.

She finds ships heading to there destination and some people enjoying the beach sand.

She walks back inside holding her iPad to work on her latest design for her clients.

She is a branded designer.

Just that her employees begged her to take a day off and send her home forcefully.

But they don't know that she never like resting. To have her mind busy and her body exhausted is something she always wants.

Because then she won't think.

Of anything and anyone.

She decided to go for a walk because the beautiful streets of Paris are a view no one can resist walking around on. No matter how many years she spends here she can't get enough of it.

She wears a mask and a cap to not have people recognize her starting her walk. She was wearing a pair of black sweat pants and sweater since it's cold now in Paris with her copper glaze hair in a high ponytail.

The Tales of love- INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ