37.2:"The blanket of lies".

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Haider walks out of his room after reassuring his brother that he will handle everything that been happening around here.

Just as he was about to knock on her room door Aiza stops him.

"You shouldn't be around her". Aiza said sweetly

His expressions remain blank as he leans on the wall of her room door showing off his muscular body, "Care to explain your unwanted concern for me?".

"Just that, she is a widow and everyone will think wrong of her if you go in her room without anyone else". Aiza said causing his expressions to hardened

"Let's be very clear about something, Aiza. The way you are standing in front of me speaking to me could be taken wrong by anyone and it truly depends on the person how they want to take things. Our actions don't necessarily be the reason for it. Also, she is my cousin who is in problems that I will solve so excuse me and stop wasting my time". He said knocking on her door softly and then took her name so she knows it's him

Ifta timidly opens the door for him as he enters inside with a graceful smile adorning his face as he looks at her daughter who was busy playing with the toys that his brother bought for her.

He slowly walks near her daughter not wanting to scare her off from him as he sits in front of her crossed legs and gentle expression on his face as he watches her playing with puzzle pieces and he was amazed at how she managed to place them in the right sequence.

"My husband loved playing a puzzle". He heard her soft voice as she sits beside her daughter admiring her, "She loves to do the same".

"What's her name?". He asked softly watching her daughter looking at him curiously

"Zoya- it means--". She started

"Life. I know. I wished to have that name for my daughter when I met one of my friend's daughter who has the same name". He explained smiling at how beautiful her daughter is, "She is absolutely beautiful".

Like you. He wanted to add in but didn't do it.

"Why does she looks at me like that?". He asked when her daughter didn't stop looking at him and starts to take small steps towards him standing in front of him

Since he was sitting down she reaches his face easily as she places her small hand on his cheeks and when she feels his bread tickling in her small hand she releases a series of giggles.

"You look like Yaqoob bhai so she is trying to understand if you are the same or not. When you went out she asked me why you two look same so I explained her. I think she understands". Ifat said smiling as her daughter pats his cheeks

"Oh. Why doesn't she speak now?. Does she speak like a sentence or something? I am sorry I have no idea how this works". He said nervously chuckling at his lack of knowledge he wishes to improve

"Even after you watched me grow right in front of you?. I heard our parents say that you were the only one around me most of the time". She said smiling slightly as she remembers those times

He scratches the back of his neck, "Yeah! I liked being around you but will it makes me look stupid that I didn't realise at what time you start to speak and I forgot about it now?".

She stifles her laugh shaking her head, "No-No. It's understandable since you were young and you cannot possibly remember such details. If you have kids then you might have known. She speaks sentences rarely but joining her few words if you try to understand you can know what she means".

"Look at your speaking like an adult. Here I used to think I will have to stay by your side at all time to protect you since you will never grow". He said teasing watching her daughter bringing him her toys showing them to him proudly and he couldn't help chuckle at her innocence which was similar to her mother

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