35.5:"The lack of empathy".

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"Appi, we are not safe here". Hanan cried

She looks around to find her phone which she remembers that she must have left at the show but then her manager came with a bag with him so she leaps towards the bag ripping it and taking her phone out.

"Remember my number and call me at once if you need me, ok?".

She remembers how his voice held softness yet desperation and she didn't even think twice before punching in his number dialling it with the voice outside her door still going on. She held onto Hanan's hand desperately hoping he answers his call and after a few rings when she lost hope, he answered.

"Hello?". His voice rings through her soul calming her down a little

"S-Shayaan". She said stuttering as she was at the edge of breaking down

"Mahak?. Is that you?". He asked worriedly

"Yes". She said sniffing

"What's wrong?. What happened?. Speak to me". He said anxiously feeling his heart leaping out of his chest

"I-I-, can you come to my apartment, please?". She pleaded

"I am coming right now. Just hold on for few minutes". He said and she ended the call

On the other hand, he was with his friends who were like his family explaining them everything when he heard his phone ringing. At first, he didn't want anyone to disturb his family time but then something in him told him to answer.

And he hasn't been glad of his six senses to this day because the minute he heard her fragile voice his heart hammered and his face pale. He didn't even care about his friend or anything besides to know what went down that had her this shaken. But, the moment she asked for him to come to her he was running out of his house with his friends calling behind him but he didn't have time to luxurious waste it in explaining.

He didn't even see if he is in the right clothes or shoe. He just runs to his car driving through the streets like a mad man, not caring about anything besides to reach her before something he regrets happens to her. He doesn't understand why his heart was gripped in such strong fear as he has never seen it before in his life.

Not even almost 5 years before.

Or perhaps he was this scared because of that night. He runs towards the receptionist towards the elevator punching in repeatedly wishing this damn elevator move faster. He exits to her floor and since it was only her apartment here. He went banging on the door.

Hanan looks at the door pale and the earlier voice vanished a few minutes ago and she isn't sure if it was the same man. She heard her sister speaking to her husband before and she wonders if it's him.

"W-Who is it?". She asked shaking like a leaf

"It's me, Shayaan. Please, open this door". He pleaded

"What's the passcode?". She asked holding the handle of the door

"Red". He replied hurriedly because he remembers her saying it before she ended the call

And the door clicked open.

He immediately moves in looking around and his eyes fell on an almost similar girl to Muskan standing in front of him with fear and anxiety clear on her face.

"Are you ok?". He asked softly and she nodded, "Don't worry. I won't let anyone harm you. Calm down, ok?".

Hanan nodded again, "A-appi, she is-".

Hanan didn't even get to finish her sentence when the door opens and Mahak walks out. The minute their eyes collided he moves toward her engulfing her in his warmth. He was scared beyond his mind and he needed to feel her know that she was not hurt. He pulls her tightly in his hold patting her back as she cries in his hands.

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