39.5:"Same visions".

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Here to the end of another story :(.


"Baby, please calm down". He said taking a step only for her to step away and he couldn't find her

He sighs, "I know you are not telling the whole story and if you think I will simply allow your few words to draw conclusions you are very wrong".

"Maybe you should".

"Maybe I shouldn't. I value our relationship, I value you, I value everything that comes with it. I cannot allow a few words, few things and misunderstandings ruin the beautiful woman I found after all this time".

"I-I am not beautiful".

"Yes, you are".

"No, I am not". She snapped making him flinch, "You want to know the truth?. I will tell you so listen to it very carefully. I was born out of an affair my mother had with a married man. As she slept with him gave them an unwanted child as a gift. My biological father turned his back as soon as he found out not before trying to kill me by taking my mother to the hospital- and she went willingly to kill me. Unfortunately, she was at risk if she killed me that means she needs to keep me and right then my father walked away. Obviously, my mother was frowned upon and then I was born. She found a man for herself who told her that he couldn't raise other man child and if she wishes to marry him she needs to do something about me. No one in my family wanted me because I was a sin. I was barely 2 when she throw me in front of an orphanage walking away to marry the man. Yumna- is the sick woman that was the owner of that place. Luckily everyone was adopted and she found my story circulating it to everyone that even thought of taking me with them as their child. She made sure I was never adopted and deprived of all my rights. When I was 10 the orphanage children were all adopted and she closed her business. I know she either place the other kids to some rich families where she managed to get big amounts or she sold them away. Luckily or not she wanted me to herself. She sold the house and took me to another place. She started drinking, smoking and taking drugs which started the abuse. Though she always used to abuse me this time it was worse. At least before I never had to take beating every day and now it was every single day without missing it. She starts to bring in random men sleeping with them and I never truly understands anything. Anyways, at 15, I-I". She broke down choking on the memories as she feels her skin crawl at her and she rubs it furiously

"Arooj". He said in such low voice as if he was afraid he will break her further

But, she was already broken.

"That night, I went to bed after she beat me enough. I was bruised and drained with no reason to live. She knocked on my door asking me to dress in a very short dress. I asked her why and she slapped me so hard that my eyes blurred for a long moment. I wore the dress walking out with her and she stops in front of her room do-or--".

By now her cries only intensify so much that the loud sobs could be heard racking the high walls of the palace.

"She told me I was good for nothing that I need to pay her for feeding and bringing me up for so long. I begged her to not make me do it. I told her I will work but she told me that no one employs a minor. I pleaded but she pushed me in her room locking the door behind me. I stand in front of him knowing he was the recent affair she used to bring him in countless times in a month more than any other men. His eyes, Z-Zohan, his eyes sizing me and those eyes holding that filth in them wanted me to take my life before I give myself to him. So, I did".

He gasps as he heard her words but she continued, "I broke the vase telling him that if he comes closer I will kill myself. That didn't even do any good as he leaps at me throwing me against the mirror wall draining the last bits of energy I had. Then he pushed me on the bed and h-he raped me. He RAPED ME, Zohan. All my cries, my pleading, begging, all my words, consent and my chastity was snatched right in front of my eyes while he moans my name and to this day I feel disgusted. I wish I had killed myself then. I wish I-I-".

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