Chapter One - Drunk

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I sighed as I helped a tipsy Sasuke walk back to my car. He was hiccuping and snorting with laughter, an empty bottle of Asahi hanging loosely from his hand.

"[Name]-" hic! "-did you see-"hic! "-Ino, in there?" Hic! 

He guffawed with another choke of laughter as we reached my silver Corolla, which was parked on the far side of the car park from the club. I sighed again and fumbled for my keys, unlocking the front door and trying to open it while I supported a staggering Sasuke with the other. It was one in the morning, and I was justifiably pissed when I got a call from management that Sasuke was getting a little unruly. Not that it was any surprise, of course- this wasn't the first time the manager had had to call me in to pick up my dearly beloved Sasuke.

"[N-Name]," giggled Sasuke as I eased him into the front seat. He looked up at me, his dark onyx eyes turned up in a grin as he drunkenly waved his hand around. I scowled, and snatched the alcoholic bottle from his hand before throwing it out behind me. He giggled and hiccuped even more as I slammed the door on him, muttering evilly under my breath. He'd just been dumped. Again.

With a sigh, I made my way over to the driver's seat and got in, shaking my head as I looked at Sasuke, who was leaning forward in his seat and rubbing his fingers all over the window. With a groan, I exclaimed, "Sasuke, put on your damn belt!"

You see, when it comes to women, Sasuke has the shittiest luck ever, worse than anyone else's. Even Naruto has a loving girlfriend, but Sasuke, with all his good looks and wealth, can't seem to hold down a girlfriend for more than a week.

We were on the main road when I saw a police car on the side of the road, lights flashing as a figure beside it held out an arm and signalled me to stop. I obliged, and cruised to a halt before a policewoman of about thirty, with red eyes and messy black hair. She held a breathalyser in her hand.

"Breath check, please," she said, staring suspiciously at the highly intoxicated Sasuke in my passenger's seat. "Looks like your friend could use some help." I merely sighed, and after being cleared from the woman, nodded her goodnight as I drove back home with Sasuke in tow. I lived in suburban Konoha in a tiny two room home, which, believe or not, I'd often share with a drunken Sasuke on the days he wasn't caught up at work.

"[NAME]!!!" wailed Sasuke as I dragged him to the front door, house key in my free hand. I scowled as I opened the door and led him in, shutting the door behind us as I did so. He sniffled and wiped his nose on my shoulder, making me groan in disgust as I slammed my hand onto the light switch.

"Sasuke!" As soon as we were in the living room, I wasted no time in throwing the heavily crying Uchiha onto my couch, scrunching up my nose as the reek of alcohol reached my nose. He was a sight; tears were streaming down his face and mucus was bubbling from his nose as he clutched one of the cushions to his chest, wailing loudly about how Ino had broken his heart and left him for another guy called Sai. Or something like that.

"[Naaaaaaaame]!" he bawled, lifting the cushion to his face and smearing it with his abundant tears and snot. I frowned in annoyance and went to get a pillow and blanket for him, shaking my head in disapproval. By the time I got back to the living room, he was lying sprawled out on the couch with his limbs outstretched everywhere, the cushion still obscuring his face. He was a total goner.

"Fucking idiot," I muttered to myself, re-positioning his body so that he was in a more comfortable pose. I stared down at the Uchiha as I gently placed the pillow under his head, sighing. I swear, sometimes, he was such a lost case. Initially, it had hurt me whenever I saw him come to me, heartbroken and in tears. I guess after a couple of years of the same routine you just get used to seeing your best friend having a breakdown whenever his girlfriend for the week dumped him. 

Pulling the blanket over his sleeping figure, I shut off the lights and went to bed.

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