Chapter eight: I'm not okay, trust me.

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"Tielor?" She softly asked.

As if to answer the wolf nodded with what almost looked like a smile.

"Oh my fucking titties...its all true" Brinley whispered to herself.

Standing back up Tielor follows her lead standing himself on all fours and making his way to the woods.

As her mind races over everything she had just witnessed, she sways back and forth almost losing consciousness.

"Information overload." She whispers to herself still slightly swaying.

Lilith blurs to the girls side putting her arm around Brinley for support.

"Hey now, since when are you a fainter?" Lilith says smirking at Brinley who's begun to regain her footing.

"Oh, shut up ya fuck. It's just...a lot." Brinley half laughs still in a bit of a daze.

" How about we go inside and let you process over some wine?" Summer suggests.

"Theres more we have yet to explain." Liz says knowing they havent even gotten to the bad part yet scratching the back of her neck.

"Yes, but I really hope you have something stronger than wine if you're gonna be loading me with more information." Brinley says rubbing her temples.

"Pick your poison. Whiskey, brandy, vodka, rum? Ooo, or apple pie moonshine!" Ashley asks with a smile.

"We all know her pick in poison." Tielor says with a smirk walking back into view.

(Two legs, check. No fur, check. Fully clothed, check. Not that I was completely worried about that last one) Brinley thinks to herself making a mental note.

Forgetting only for a moment that her thoughts weren't kept solely to herself with Ashley around.

Brinley slowly looks over to her, nervous Ashley had been listening in.

Brinley's eyes meet Ashley's only to be shot a devious grin.

"Oh fuck bud..." she mumbles seeing the gears in Ashley's head turning. She was most definitely not going to keep whatever she had just heard to herself.

"OOOOOO, BRIN! THOSE ARE NO NO NAUGHTY THOUGHTS!!!" Ashley says bursting into a fit of laughter at the mortified look on Brinleys face.

"ASHLEY, shuddup, what the fuck?!? Get out of my head ya twat cookie!....I mean....I dont know what it is that you speak of..." Brinley says as her cheeks grow more and more red.

"Sureeeee you dont Brin. Dont worry your secrets safe with us." Summer says shooting her a knowing smirk.

The others looked between the three absolutely confused.

"NO FAIR I WANNA KNOW!!!" Liz shouted crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'll tell you later." Ashley whispered to a pouting Liz as she drug her inside.

"I honestly dont care, it's about time you're not so innocent. I'll go get the rum." Lilith says winking. Nudging Brinley as she walks into the house.

That's when Brinley realized it were only her and a rather disgruntled Tielor left outside. (Ashley you suck butt.) Brinley thought wondering if Ashley could still hear her.

Her theory being confirmed when she hears booming laughter from inside.

"I am confusion?!" Tielor says furrowing his brows.

"I dont know. I'm new here." Brinley says smoothly making her way inside before there were more questions.

"I NEED 10 SHOTS PRONTO!" Brinley yells making her way toward the kitchen Tielor following close behind.

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