Chapter Nineteen: Come Clean

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Sensing Brinley was a bit overwhelmed Summer spoke up, "So why did you go with her? You were only like, 16 back then. The elders wouldn't have banished a kid would they?" She asked Mandi curiously.

Mandi looked around the room before she answered, unsure of how they would take the next part.

"About that, I asked to go with her...


"You asked to go with her?! But why would you want to leave with someone who was basically banished from the community?" Liz asked not quite buying her story.

"Look, I know it looks bad but, she was my aunt. The woman who taught me all the shit my own mother wouldn't be bothered to teach me. So when we got separatedi didn't know what to do, I didn't feel like i belonged anywhere anymore. I felt like I'd just be better off alone. " Mandi began to explain.

"You say 'your' mom and aunt like they weren't mine too, almost feels like you think you aren't MY the fuck am I even supposed to take that? You basically ditched me...then they made me forget you even existed, I literally had no idea I even had a sister until I nearly died last week. SO GET TO THE GOD DAMN POINT AND TELL ME WHY YOU'RE HERE, SO YOU CAN LEAVE AGAIN!" Brinley shouted growing visabley more irritated.

Brinleys outburst shocked everyone in the room, sure she had her heightened emotions now that her were seal had been lifted, but she had always been pretty calm and collected. She wasn't one to lose her temper, she left that to Liz, Lillith, and Tielor. So they were all taken aback by Brinleys sudden outburst. Shocked silent all they could do was sit and watch the impending argument to come from the siblings.

Mandi continued barely acknowledging her sisters outburst which only fuled the growing fire inside Brinley more. There was no way of explaining things that wouldn't set her off at this point, so she did all she could do and just continued.

"I felt closer to Mallory, I mean yea, she had some radical ideas about certain things but, it's not like she was telling everyone to sacrifice their first born to Satan for protection. Mom and dad were too preoccupied with you, and what your powers were going to turn you into to worry about me." Mandi said finally looking at Brinley whom she had been avoiding making eye contact with.

"So yea, I left, and I didn't come back after I lost Mallory. When I heard about mom and dad dying I thought about coming back and staying for you, but when I showed up at the funeral you looked right through me, like you didn't even see me. So I figured you either didn't remember me or hated me. What the hell was I supposed to do bud?! They thought I was dead, so I figured maybe you thought the same and that's why you looked right through me, why open old wounds, what should I have done?!?" Mandi said exasperatedly, letting her true emotions show.

She was defeated, sad, and pissed. She had no idea her parents had wiped Brinleys memories, how could she have?!?

She was visabley hurting, she didn't only lose her parents that day, she lost her sister.

At this point no one dared to speak up. The group of friends continued to sit there in shock and fear of what was to come from this conversation.

"Oh, I dont fucking know.." Brinley growled out quickly standing up and closing the distance between her and Mandi.

Everyone could see her shaking with rage, but she didn't care, and no one made a move to stop her. She had an anger boiling inside her, and she had to let it out before she exploded.

"Maybe try?!? Say something?!? Not leave in the first place, or maybe, just maybe sack the fuck up and be there for me, let me be there for you? Like fuck Mandi, I don't even know you and you come back here like it hasn't been seventeen years with some bullshit ass excuses?!?! Like our parents were too preoccupied with the monstrosity that I was to become, that I have become. That wasn't my fault! I didn't ask to be born, you can't hate them forever, they're dead now, and everything was left to me, I had to plan their funeral, I had to bury them, I had to continue to live my life alone because I didn't even know you existed! Fuck, I'm so god damn mad at all of you, no one thought to fucking mention this shit sooner? Our parents erased you, like you were nothing, erased our whole world like I wouldn't find out....I can't do this right now, " Brinley choked out, turning away from Mandi's shocked stare, tears brimming in her eyes but she refused to let them spill over, she made her way towards the door.

At this point Brinley was broken, angry, and defeated feeling. She needed to get away, to think before she says anything worse and more hurtful than she already has. If she were to stay she didn't know what would happen.

"Brin, wait...don't take off again, please..." Ranae quickly stood grabbing Brinleys wrist.

Brinley spun around to look her in the eyes, anger melting as she saw the caring and worried look in her friends eyes. Her demeanor quickly softened and she relaxed a bit, but still didnt sit back down.

" I promise I'm not going anywhere, I'm just going out to the RV, maybe record a video, think about some shit and calm down. This is all too much to deal with after the last couple weeks I've had." Brinley said looking around to her friends and giving them a reassuring half smile, purposely avoiding her sisters prying gaze.

"Promise we will talk more in the morning?" Summer speaks up from the far corner of the couch looking at Brinley hopefully.

"Promise." She smiled back at Summer. The smile dropping to a stabbing glare as she looked back towards Mandi.

"Watch her, and dont let her go anywhere, we haven't gotten shit for answers." Brinley deadpanned looking at Liz and Lilith earning a nod of agreement from the two women and headed for the door once again, this time Tielor falling into step next to her.

As they had reached the front porch she turned to him annoyed.

"Look I promise I'm not just going to up and take off like I did last time I ju... " Tielor cut Brinley off mid sentence pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm sorry, for not telling you sooner, and the argument that landed you in the forest last week, we all are. Ashley told me to tell you this hug is from all of us but I'm selfish and I rebuke that. This is all me Brinbrin." He chuckled releasing Brinley after a few moments.

"I'll get over it, and me taking off was my own dumbass fault. I just need some time to think Tie. I'll come in in the morning and we can talk more." Brinley laughs halfheartedly and looks towards the RV longing for some peace and quiet to herself.

"Alright, your fans are waiting for some catnip content. I'll make sure you get in and then I'll leave you be. Goodnight...lil bean.." Tielor said smirking down at Brinley.

As she headed to the RV she didn't even bother turning back to warn him.

"If you ever call me that again I'll kick you so hard in your family jewels you won't be having any puppies of your own. Watch yourself mutt." She growled, but Tielor could hear the smile in her voice.

As she made her way inside the RV, he heard the door lock, he chuckled to himself at how much she had grown, and headed inside the house himself.


I know I took forever getting this out and it's short, but health issues and holidays sort of took everything out of me.

Nonetheless here as promised is Nineteen.

A little heated argument between reunited siblings.

Nothing says holiday season like some good ole family fights.

Ooo, and the Tinley? Brinlor? (I suck at ship names haha) Moment at the end there... teehee.
As always, thank you so much for sticking with me through this!

Please, please, please, vote and comment! I love hearing everyones opinions and thoughts on Brinleys story!

Much love, Ponyo

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