Character Backstories: Ashley

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Ashley grew up with all the memories of the past. The knowledge of what happened to her friends eating at her for years until Liz lost her parents and had relearned the truth about the world they lived in. Bound to keep the secrets of the truth from her closest friends. Magic was supposed to be a wonderful healing thing, something that brought joy and amazement. In Ashley's opinion the only people magic should be kept from are those who abuse its power and those who are mortal.

She loved growing up in a world that embraced magic and hated knowing that the same magic she loved had hurt the people closest to her, taking away everything they ever had.

Her parents raised her to be a healer, in the very magical private practice they themselves owned. They were kind caring people, who wanted nothing more than to heal and help. Watching them be so selfless only made Ashley want to follow in their footsteps.

So she vowed to only use magic to heal. Never to hurt. That is until she and Liz had returned home from their schools Senior trip.

They had been so excited to get away and be normal teenagers one last time before graduation, that all changed as soon as it had began.

Half way through their trip the girls received a call from an unknown number, demanding for the two to return home immediately. With no information as to why, the two grew nervous as they got closer and closer to home.

As they arrived they noticed the driveway empty, usually filled with the cars of their parents. It was 6pm and her parents had usually closed the practice for the day and come home by now. This only added to their unease.

They entered the house, calling out for their parents and looking in every room not receiving any answers. They tried calling their calls and practice number, yet received no answer.

Trying to keep a level head they both decided to head over to the practice figuring it had been a busy day and they had a mountain of paperwork to complete.

They had finally reached the practice after nightfall and as they pulled in they noticed that the parking lot was full yet all the lights inside were off.

A feeling of dread had begun to set in. "This is starting to feel like the beginning of a scary movie..." Liz whispered to Ashley nervously.

"I dont even want to go inside...but, they weren't at home...and it's late." Ashley whispered back.

After sitting in the car for what felt like hours they finally got up the courage to get out and head inside.

It was pitch black and they couldn't see a their own feet in front of them as they felt their way through the dark in search of a light switch.

Liz followed the wall to the right while Ashley moved blindly forward in the dark calling out to her parents or anyone within earshot.

Ashley hadn't even made it ten feet into the room before her foot caught on something stiff causing her to loose her footing and fall to the ground calling out in surprise and pain.

"You okay?" Liz whisper shouted as she continued to feel for a switch.

"Uh yea, just tripped over something....wait what the fuck...?" Ashley whispered back pulling herself on to her knees feeling a cold sticky wet substance on her hands and clothes.

"What...oh my fucking god!" Liz screamed as she finally reached the lights, flipping them on.

Ashley looked down at what had tripped her only to find her father's lifeless body covered in blood. She was mortified, she couldnt speak...she couldnt scream...nothing would come out.

Her gaze moved from her father's face, to her hands and clothes soaked in blood, finally scanning the room taking in her surroundings.

They were all dead, all her parents patients, her father...her mother across the room shielding a lifeless child from whatever had happened here.

The scene laid out in front of them was gruesome. looked as if they were all mauled by wild animals.

Ashley was stuck in a trance, her eyes traveling over the room again and again.

Liz had tried to snap her out of it finally giving up and calling the police.

They sat there, on the floor, tears streaming down their faces, and held eachother until the cops arrived.

After hours of questioning the two drove home and talked trying to figure out what to do now.

Was this an accident?

Was it really just an animal attack?

Theres no way...everyone in that building had magic...

So what happened in there, and who beckoned them home...

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