Chapter twenty-two: Caught Up

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Liz reached the outskirts of the packs land in record time.

"Titty fuck satan with a sandpaper dildo, you'd think because I'm not actually here that cardio wouldn't be and issue, but a bitch can't breathe." Liz heaved bent over with her hands on her knees in an attempt to catch her breath.

"Soooo...did you like...find anything?" Brinley asked impatiently as she hurriedly climbed out of the tree she was perched in.

Still trying to catch her breath, Liz holds up a finger signalling for her to wait. After letting out a dramatic sigh she stands up straight looking Brinley in the eyes.

"I have a plan, no ones gonna like it, we have to be fast, and theres no time for questions. You in?" Liz rushed out remembering her time limit.

"Who's car are we taking?" Brinley smirked.

"That's my girl, now blip us home already." Liz chuckled.


"What the hell do you mean theres no time for questions?!? That's a terrible idea!!!" Ashley rush out, quickly following after Liz and Brinley as they made their way to a sleeping Mandy.

"You really think waking her up is a good idea. She doesnt seem like the typa person to be happy after being woken up...and I don't wanna have to beat a bitch..." Summer says stopping at the door.

"Fuck that shes mean ima get a snack.." Lilith says dipping for the kitchen.

"Just trust me." Liz whispers to Ashley and Summer.

"Mandy, your assistance is needed. Time to pull out the big guns." Brinley said shaking her sister awake gently, shaking off how weird the whole situation of having a sister feels.

"Someone better be dead, dying, or suicidal." Mandi groans rolling over to face the gaggle of younger adults in the room. A fierce glare adorning her face.

"I mean the suicidal part isn't far off." Ranae groaned from the doorway.

"No time to explain, can you do your blip blip thing if I show you where to go? I have a hitchhiker to pick up behind enemy lines. No questions asked until after." Liz stated bluntly looking at the woman impatiently waiting for the answer.

"Behind enemy lines you game let's do this shit. No questions asked?" Mandi smirked.

"No questions asked. Ashley do the thing, you know the one with the showing her the place." Liz tried to explain what she meant.

"You're lucky I speak lizard. It's called memory sharing, and let me be the first to say I think that this is incredibly stupid. Come here." She says walking to Liz and Mandi putting a hand on either of their temples and transfering the location from Liz to Mandi.

"Got it brb." Mandi smirks as she disappears.

"Well, now that shes gone to do who the fuck knows what, care to explain what the hell is going on?" Tielor snaps glaring at Liz.

"Down doggy, chill your tail feathers. Now, you're not gonna like this...." Liz trailed off her eyes shifting between Ashley and Brinley for a little help lightening the tension in the room.

"Don't look at me dude, you said no questions asked so I know bubkiss." Brinley shrugged.

"I don't know how to even begin to explain this shit show of a plan you have, you're on you own sister." Ashley said also shrugging at Liz.

"Well fuck bud would someone please tell me what's going on?!?" Summer pipes up from the back of the room.

"Wait..Not gonna like what?" Tielor says suspiciously glaring at Liz.

"Well...." Liz began from the top, from time Brinley hid in the tree, up to the time she had thought up her very dangerous, very stupid, possibly borderline genius, but insane idea.


"So are you actually insane or do you just have a death wish?!?" Ashley groans pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.

Liz had finally finished explaining everything and after hearing up to the Alphas daughter part Tielor stormed out, could be heard shifting out of anger, and took off into the woods.

"Okay so that's two that hate it...Sum? Brin? Lil? Nae?" Liz asked nervously.

"Look, its fucking insane... but....shit could actually work...give us the upper hand." Lilith said sending Liz a reassuring smile.

"Honestly I feel like we are kicking a nest full of murder Hornets and our odds of coming out the other side of this alive is slim but not none sooo..I'm in..." Brinley says a bit unsure.

"Well I'm all for it, we need answers and they need knocked down a few pegs." Summer said determinedly.

"Fuck it, if we are gonna die anyways, might as well piss a few people off while we're at it." Ranae said only half joking.

"Good because they should be..." Liz's was cut off by a loud noise from the kitchen.

"My bad, I was just looking for a cup and dropped like all the Tupperware..." Mandi shouted to the group heading toward the kitchen, and grinned laughing.

"Thought she could use a drink after her first teleportation. " Mandi continued jabbing a finger in Marlowe's direction when no one spoke up.

"Oh thank Lucifer you made it." Liz sighed in relief as she made her way to the table where Marlowe was sat.

"So uh, hey..I'm Marlowe..." the small woman spoke up giving the awe struck group a weak nervous wave after noticing them all staring.

Before anyone had the chance to process their reply Tielor came bursting through the back door in an angry manner.

"So, well where is....." Tielor froze as his eyes scanned the room landing on the unknown woman.

It was like in an instant his whole world had a switch had flipped inside of him. Something so simple yet so complex happened all in the blink of an eye.

In that moment he knew that nothing was ever going to be the same again. Because when their eyes met, he knew...he knew that he had found the one person some wolves go their whole life in search of, never finding them.

Tielor had found his mate, and it just so happened to be the daughter of the most feared alpha in the country....

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