Chapter Seventeen: Family Therapy

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"Alright, theres obvious more going on than any of us thought." Ranae said looking down the hallway earning a scoff from her brother.

Tielor took a step for the bathroom only to be stopped by Ashley stepping in front of him.

"I think the fuck not." She growled at him.

"Well we cant just stand here and be at eachothers throats, someone needs to check on her." Tielor says with a softer tone, backing away from the stern looking woman.

"So what was your plan? Waltz in there and pop open the curtain like 'Omg Brin are you okay?' WHAT IF SHES NAKIE?!?" Liz says a smirk rising on her face as she sees the realization finally hitting him.

"Bet you weren't thinking about that. Were ya dogo?" Lilith said rolling her eyes.

"I just wanted to make sure shes okay..." Tielor said defeated.

"We all do lad, but the lasses be right. Why dont we leave this one to them?" Declan says reassuringly resting a hand on Tielors shoulder.

"Hey, what do you say we go run this one off? Take a lap, check the perimeter?" Ayeden suggests with a soft smile.

"Yea,'re right. Just...take care of her, shes family." Tielor says not meeting anyone eyes.

"Duhhhhhh, ya twat waffle we are all family. We got our girl. Just give us a minute." Liz says with a small smile poking Tielor in the cheek earning a little smile in the corner of his lips even though he tried to hid it.

"Take a walk boys, this is a job for the ladies." Summer said leading the rest of the girls to the bathroom and lightly knocking on the door.

"Brin, its us, we sent the boys away. Can we come in?" Summer asks in a gentle voice.

After a few seconds of silence they get a choked up "Yeah." From Brinley.

As they step into the room they take in the scene before them.

Brinley sat on the shower floor, curled in a ball silently crying. Her clothes were soaked through and her hair clung to her face as she looked up to her friends.

"I'm...I'm a monster..." was all Brinley could choke out sobbing once again.

Without a word or a second thought Liz climbed in the shower, ignoring how hot the water was, and sat next to Brinley pulling her into a hug.

"Y-you're gonna get a-all wet, and y-you're not a hugger, you don't h-have to make me feel b-better..." Brinley sobbed out.

"Shuddup, you're not a monster. You're our Brinley, we love you, so savor Liz's hugs because those are rare." Summer says grabbing a towel from the closet.

"But I am, I'm a m-monster, I killed someone like it was nothing..." Brinley said sadly looking at her feet.

"If you didn't he would have killed you first. Defending yourself doesnt make you a monster, it makes you strong." Lilith said reaching down and raising Brinleys chin so she would look her in the eyes. "You are strong."

"Also, you have little to no control over you're inner wolf instinct. In a dangerous situation the strong fight, theres no flight option in our minds." Ranae adds reassuringly.

For a few moments Brinley was quiet, thinking about what her friends were saying. She knew what they said was right, she had no choice. She vaguely could remember similar stories from the elders when she was younger. All these memories fresh in her head like they were never missing in the first place. It was overwhelming but comforting knowing she wasn't crazy.

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