Character backstories: Lilith

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She was born a vampire in Seattle. Her mother had died in child birth, never giving Lilith a chance to know her own mother. She was left with her kind but stern father who loved her more than life itself. She was destined to live forever, her friends to grow old and leave her behind for all of eternity. Getting by in secret was easy for her clutch. Everyone was more worried about ghosts and the paranormal, far too daft to pick up on their trail. She grew up like a normal human child. Always learning, always adapting to the changing world around her. Everything changed one fateful night. She was only a little girl of a mere 13 when she was startled from a loud commotion outside her home. Hearing her father screaming for unwanted guests to leave their clutch immediately. His screams cut off in the middle of his sentence. "Find the children, the master only wants the young!" She heard a female voice demand. Terrified she rushed under her bed in an attempt to hide from her kidnappers to no avail. They soon found her and drug her out kicking and screaming. Before they exited her house, through the windows she could see all the kids being ripped from their homes and parents, being carried towards vans with blacked out windows. Lilith began to panic as she had heard of this sort of thing happening in other clutches. It was the Emerald lunar pack. Now in a full blown panic, using the fighting styles her father had taught her growing up she faught off the man carrying running out her. She took off out her front door, as she reached the end of her yard she triped over something in the dark. As she looked back she realized her worst fears. It was her father, stake to the heart...distraught she no longer faught back. She hoped they would just end her existence feeling as if she had nothing to live for anymore. They carted her off to the pack estate where she was enslaved and used for whatever the pack pleaded. Vengeance the only thing that kept her alive, that is until she met Ayeden.

Liliths soul bond:

Ayeden and Lilith met when they were kidnapped from their families by the Emerald Lunar pack when they were only 13 and 14 years old. Immediately realizing they were in deep trouble. They soon were being used as slaves and servants. They were vampires, a race looked down on by the werewolves of the evil pack. They grew extremely close to one another realizing they had soul bonded when they both came of age. Vowing to escape and protect one another. After three years of mental and physical abuse the two made a plan to escape together in the dead of night. Barley making it out alive, beaten, bloodied and bruised they finally make it back to their clutch. (Clutch: group of vampires) Growing even closer as they grew into adults making it their life duty to find, hunt, and take down every last member of the very pack that had wronged them and their kind so many years ago.

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