Our rag tag crew of Supes

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Brinley, Summer, Ashley, Liz, Lilith, Tielor and Ranae.

Back when they were all kids, our rag tag crew grew up together in the same woods they've come back to all these years later. They were thick as thieves. From diapers to training wheels, from kindergarten to first spells, they were always together.

Back then, everything was peaceful. No threat of a war looming over them.

They could live without worry, they could grow and expand their special powers and abilities without the fear of being hunted.

Humans didn't believe in supernatural beings, or 'Supes' for short, anymore, and the different species got along for the most part.

Back then they all grew up with the knowledge of their world and everything in it. Even if they weren't all Supes at the time, they were all close none the less.

Even Brinley grew to a certain age immersed in the magic she had. Back then there was no need to hide her from the wonders of the world. It wasnt dangerous for her to be who she was.

Most of the time Brinley, Ashley, and Summer were learning from the coven's elders.

While the other half she, Tielor, and Ranae spent with the pack elders. The time spent with the pack they could only listen, they wouldn't shift until they had reached 16 and they were still rather young. So they would listen to the elders tell stories, and watch as the pack members would spar and practice in the fields hidden in the trees.

Sometimes they would all sneak in with Lilith and listen to the stories the Vampire elders would tell their little ones.

They were always together, just like their parents before them, and as they themselves had made a pact, that their children after them would be just as close.

Their parents grew up the same way, always around one another, thick as thieves.

From the outside eye one would figure their parents were all just really close friends, and that much was true.

But, unbeknownst to their children there were more supernatural influences at work behind their friendship.

An unbreakable bond made years before any of them had children of their own. They vowed to live in harmony, like family, to protect one another with their lives.

So a pact, magically bound they made. Vowing to always be there for one another, though the darkest of days and the best of times.

If anything were to ever happen to one of them the others would be there to take care of their children like they were their own.

The elders of the coven, clutch, and pack prophesied of dark days to come. Death, war, and betrayal were all foreseen in the near future.

A few members from the coven, clutch, and pack, came together as a group hell bent on finding a way out of the prophecy, wanting to arm up, teach the children the ways of war, of dark magic. All saying it was necessary if they were to protect themselves from the evils to come.

The leader of this worried group being Brinleys very own aunt, Mallory Zora. She thought what she was trying to do was save them all from whatever darkness was foreseen in their future. She was genuinely scared for her family and wanted nothing more than to protect them.

The elders refused and told them the only way through was though peace and trust.

But Mallory refused to let it go and accept the decision of the elders, she continued persisting that they needed to prepare.

After several warnings and encouragement from her family to drop the matter, the elders did what they felt right.

Mallory was banned, cast out of her own coven, and told only to return when she found the peace in her own heart.

Not long after she was cast out, its told she was attacked by a group of rogue wolves never to be seen again. This broke little Brinley's heart, she may have only been 7, but her aunt Mallory was her favorite witch, she had grown close and learned so much from the woman.

As soon as the news of Mallory's demise and word of rogue woves growing in number by the day, the kids parents sought out safer places to raise their children.

This scattered them across the states, friends being broken apart in order to be safe.

Before they went their separate ways, Brinley, and Liz's parents thought it best that both the girls forget about the supernatural world around them. Liz was human, and knowing about Supes only put her in more danger than the rest.

Brinley had shut down after hearing of her aunts horrible death, so her parents thought moving away and making her forget the supernatural world would help her move forward and keep her safe.

All they ever wanted was for their children to be safe and happy, and this was the only way they saw fit to do so.

So a spell was cast, both Brinley and Liz forgetting the world as they once new it, their friends bound to secrecy until the day came when the girls were ready to hear the truth.

They all grew up, keeping in contact along the way. They stayed just as close as they had always been.

Through loss, dissapearences, achievements, and the deaths of their parents, they never lost sight of that that was most important to them, eachothers friendships.

A/N: Okay, so I know I had told a few people I'd be posting another chapter soon, and I was going to before things came up. So instead of breaking my promise completely, I give you this little look into the past of Brinley and her friends.

Also, I chose Laura Prepon as the face claim for Brinley's aunt, Mallory Zora because, why the hell not?!? Shes GORGEOUS!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Ask me questions! Tell me opinions! I'd love to hear from everyone on how they think things are going so far!

I also hear we have ships?! So tell me, who do you ship?

Thanks again for everything boyos! -Ponyo

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