Chapter Fourteen:Adding insult to injury

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(Shit, shit,shit,shit. What the hell did I get myself into..) Brinley thinks to herself as two more wolves step from behind the brush around her.

The wolves begin circling, on the outside shes fierce looking but as the three begin closing in it causes Brinley to internally freak out more.

(TIELOR, RANAE, SUMMER, ASHLEY, WHOEVERS LISTENING IM SORRY I TOOK OFF!) she screamed internally losing hope as she received no response from Ranae or Tielor.

(Please...please help me, there are three other wolves out here and I don't think their friendly...) she added.

Brinleys focus on contacting her friends was cut off as one if the wolves finally lunged towards her. The force of its body hitting hers sent her flying into a tree, she whimpers, the air practically knocked out of her lungs as she hit the ground.

(Get up! I can't let them beat me that easily.) She thinks gasping for air and pulling herself back up onto all fours.

(Focus, one to the to the right...and one straight ahead. The only training I have for combat is in video games...not going to help me much..usually the one in front of you is the least of my worries, thats sorta true, considering the one from the right just best guess asshole on the left is next...) Her thought process prooved to be right when the wolf on the left lunges forward

This time Brinley was prepared. She dodges to the right, and after catching her footing, she herself went lunging for the wolf who just went for her throat.

As if her inner wolfs natural instincts had kicked in, she latches her teeth onto the wolfs neck. He begins clawing at her body, trying desperately to get away.

The wolfs attempt to escape leaving scratches and bruises accross her chest.

Brinley barely even flinches, with the amount of adrenaline coursing through her veins she hardly notices the open wounds or that shes bleeding.

In one violently quick shake of her head, the neck between her jaws snaps. All movement and attemts to escape cease immediatly.

Before Brinley has a chance to come to and realize what she had just done she hears loud snarling growels as the two remaining wolves lunge at her.

One kocking her into a rock where her head had hit pretty hard causing her vision to blur and her head to spin. The other pinning her to the ground teeth barred in her face as if to tell her not to move a muscle or she was dead meat.

Not that she could move if she wanted to, her body was weak from blood loss and she was pretty sure she had a concussion.

As Brinley grew weaker she could feel herself losing a grip on consciousness, in result of that she shifted back to her human form no longer having control over her wolf form.

Once back in human form the pressure of the wolf ontop of her left. She was left to choose lay there cold and bleeding out or try and force herself to get up and fight.

(I refuse to die like this.) Brinley thinks bringing herself up and onto her hands and knees, as the world around her began to spin even faster.

She could hear the two shift back into human form and head back for her finally comming into Brinley's line of sight.

She flinches as one with dark brown hair leans down and drags her hair from her face and wrapping his fingers in her hair roughly. The look of pain on her face causing him to smirk. He pulled back his fist punching her in the mouth effectively splitting her lip open and earning another grain of pain from her as she again hits the ground.

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