Chapter Thirteen: Reckless and Relentless

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After a big meal and full stomachs it was time to get down to business.

Everyone lazily sat around the livingroom passing a bottle of rum around chatting about life.

Finally Summer speaks up, being the one to start the conversation on what's to come.

"Okay, so I know we are all dreading this, but what's the gameplan?" She asks looking around the room as she grabs the bottle from Brinley.

Eyes shift around the room no one quite sure where to start.

Finally Lilith rolls her eyes and clears her throat causing all eyes to fall on her.

"I'm thinking recon. Best way to find out where they plan on hitting next is to infiltrate their scouts and work our way up." Lilith explains capturing everyones attention.

"I'm new here, but how exactly are we gonna pull that off?!" Brinley asks in genuine confusion taking another swig of the bottle as it continues making it around the group.

At that, Lilith smirks as her eyes shift to Liz.

Liz mid drink notices everyones eyes now on her. Her own eyes widening in realization of what Lilith was insinuating.

"Look, I told you. I'm not doing that shit..." she says irritatedly passing the bottle along.

"Doing what shit?" Brinley asks furrowing her brows still clearly confused.

Liz growing more and more irritated by the minute shes practically vibrating. The whole group a bit unsettled, all besides Brinley, knowing this being a sore subject for Liz.

"She vibrates like an angry chihuahua..." Tielor whispers to Ashley earning a good heavy punch to the shoulder from Summer who mumbles for him to "Grow the fuck up."

Declan pulls Liz into his lap wrapping his arms around her. She almost immediately calms down closing her eyes taking a deep breath. When she opens her eyes she looks over at Lilith.

"What exactly were you thinking?" Liz questions Lilith.

"Look, hear me out this time. You can enter uncauntious and semi uncauntious states of mind right?" Lilith pauses looking around making sure everyones still following where shes taking this.

"Yea, but I have to either have a strong connection with them or be within arms reach of them." Liz states becoming confused.

"How can she help with getting information if she doesnt personally have a connection with any of them?" Ashley asks also not following Lilith.

"I'm not seeing how Liz could help, wouldn't it be easier to send someone to help from the inside?" Tielor suggested.

"That would only be risking one of our lives for nothing more than information." Ayeden states looking at Tielor like hes crazy.

We'll be needin' all of us if we plan on takin' down the ole' operation." Declan adds pointedly.

"I really hope this isn't going where I think its going.." Jonathan groans exasperatedly.

"Well, if you twat waffles would let a bitch finish I could tell you my whole idea." Lilith says impatiently rolling her eyes.

"Meow, catty ass." Tielor says lowly, earning another punch to the shoulder, this time from Ashley.

"Like I was saying. I wasnt saying Liz should enter a member of the packs dreams. But, what if, and here me out. Brinley, you can astral project..." Lilith is once again cut off.

"No. Nope! That shits fucking dangerous. Who's to say she wouldn't get caught?!" Tielor says angrily objecting to Lilith's plan before she could even finish her thought.

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