Chapter 3: Dragon Training

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"Welcome to Dragon Training!" I hear a familiar booming voice.

"No turning back." Astrid states with confidence.

"I hope I get some serious burns!" Tuffnut exclaims. Followed by his twin sister, Ruffnut's statement about hoping for some mauling.

"Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it." I hear Astrid.

Hiccup and I share a glance. "Yeah, no kidding, right?"

"Pain. Love it." Rolling my eyes.

Tuffnut motions towards us, "Oh, great. Who let them in?"

Gobber in one of his finest moment interrupted, "Let's get started! The recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village."

"Hiccup and Y/n already killed a Night Fury, so, does that disqualify them or...?" Asks Snotlout.

"Can I transfer to the class with the cool Vikings?" Tuffnut adds to make matters worse.

Trying his best to calm our fears whispers "Don't worry. You're small and you're weak. That'll make you two less of a target! They'll see you as sick or insane and go after the more Viking-like teens instead." Then in a much louder voice "Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight! The Deadly Nadder!"

"Speed: eight; Armor: sixteen." I hear from my left from Fishlegs.

"The Hideous Zippleback!" Gobber says at the next cage.

Fishlegs adds "Plus eleven stealth times two."

"The Monstrous Nightmare!"

"Firepower: fifteen."

"The Terrible Terror!"

"Attack: eight; Venom: twelve!"

"CAN YOU STOP THAT?!" Gobber shouts at Fishlegs before adding "And... the Gronckle!"

Whispering to Hiccup and I a fact about them. "Jaw strength: eight."

"Whoa, whoa, wait! Aren't you gonna teach us first?!" Snotlout screams in fear as Gobber lets the Gronckle out of its cage and it begins to fly uncoordinated towards Snotlout to where the rocks are.

"I believe in learning on the job." Gobber replies, "Today is about survival. If you get blasted... you're dead! Quick! What's the first thing you're going to need?"

My brother calls out "A doctor?!"

"Some back up?!" I add following Hiccup into a hiding spot.

"Plus five speed?!"

"A shield!" Astrid shouts.

"Shields! Go! Your most important piece of equipment is your shield! If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield, take the shield!" Gobber confirms.

Running towards the shields I hear Gobber yell "Ruffnut, Tuffnut, You're out!"

Picking up a shield and turning to face the Gronckle, Gobber shouts some more instruction, "Those shields are good for another thing: Noise! Make lots of it to throw off a dragon's aim!"

Hitting my axe against my shield makes the Gronckle disoriented.

"All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronckle have?"

"Five?" asks Snotlout.

"No, six!" Fishlegs shouts as his shield gets blasted out of his hand seconds later.

"Correct, six! That's one for each of you!" Gobber continues talking "Fishlegs, out."

I see Gobber look at Hiccup and I. "Y/n. Hiccup. Get in there!"

Watching Snotlout trying to get Astrid's attention makes me giggle to myself. She flips away leaving Snotlout to get shot at by the Gronckle.

"Snotlout! You're Done!"

Hiccup and I walk up to Astrid. "So, I guess it's just you and us, huh?" he says.

"Nope, just you two." She responds as she darts off. Letting the Gronckle blast at us.

"One shot left! Hiccup! Y/n!"

Hiccup loses his shield and starts chasing it. Noticing that the Gronckle is chasing him I run after them trying to get my shield between the two of them. The Gronckle closes in, cornering Hiccup against the wall. Squeezing my shield between them seconds before it shoots.

"Ow!" I scream dropping the shield. The Gronckle's blast heated up the metal part of the shield which resulted in it burning my hand a bit.

"And that's six! Go back to bed, ya overgrown sausage! You'll get another chance, don't you worry." Looking up I see him talking to Hiccup.

"Remember: a dragon will always –always-- go for the kill." I hear him say firmly to my brother.

Looking down my hand is red and still feels as if it were on fire. Holding my hand protectively against my chest I catch Hiccup glance at me. Taking one more peak I decide it's best that I see the healer.


Author's Note:

4/9/2021 - Sorry for such a long wait. I kept accidentally deleting my progress on rewriting this chapter. Happened like 5 times. Got discouraged and stopped trying for several months. But it's finally here :)

Hiccup's Adopted Sister (Httyd x Reader) *EDITING IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now