Chapter 12: The Final Exam

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(3rd Person POV)

[Hiccup and Y/n are at the arena for the final exam. There are Vikings all over, there to watch them for the big event.]

Stoick: "Well, I can show my face in public again! If someone had told me that in just few short weeks, Hiccup and Y/n would go from being, well... Hiccup and Y/n, to placing first in Dragon Training... Well, I would've tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad. Yes! And you know it! But here we are. And no one's more surprised...or more proud than I am. Today, my children become Vikings. TODAY, THEY BECOMES ONE OF US!"

Astrid: "Be careful with that dragon."

Hiccup: (Glances at Stoick) "It's not the dragon we're worried about."

Astrid: "What are you gonna do?"

Y/n: "Put an end to this."

[She eyes them, dubious.]

Hiccup: "I have to try. Astrid, if something goes wrong..."

Y/n: "... just make sure they don't find Toothless."

Astrid: "I will. Just... promise me it won't go wrong."

Gobber: "It's time, Y/n and Hiccup. Knock him dead."

Tuffnut: "Show 'em how it's done!"

[Hiccup and Y/n enter the Arena and they both pick a dagger from the weapons stand]

Stoick: "Hrmph. I would've gone for the hammer."

Hiccup and Y/n: "I'm ready."

[They release the Monstrous Nightmare. Hiccup approach the Nightmare slowly, raising his hand like how he did to Toothless]

Stoick: "What is he doing?"

Hiccup: "It's okay. It's okay." [throws helmet onto floor motioning Y/n to do the same.] "We're not one of them."

Stoick: "Stop the fight."

Y/n: "No! We need you all to see this."

Hiccup: "They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them."

Stoick: "I SAID STOP THE FIGHT!" [slams hammer against the Arena railings, agitating the Nightmare] "Out of my way!"

[Frightened, the Nightmare attacks]

Astrid: "Hiccup! Y/n! HICCUP! Y/N!" [enters the ring]

[Meanwhile, at the cove, Toothless hears Y/n and Hiccup's screams and races to the Arena]

Stoick: "This way!"

[Astrid and Y/n escape, but Hiccup is pinned under the Nightmare's claws. Suddenly, a resonating blast fires at the Arena's railing. Toothless jumps into the Arena. The smoke clears up, revealing the two dragons fighting]

Gobber: "Night Fury!"

Hiccup: "Alright, Toothless, go. Get out of here!"

Vikings: "Night Fury!"

Hiccup: "Go! GO!"

Viking: "Take it alive!"

Astrid: "Stoick, no!"

Y/n: "No, Dad, he won't hurt you!"
Hiccup: "No, don't! You're only making it worse! Toothless, STOP!"
Hiccup (cont.): "No! NOOOOO!"
Viking: "Get him!"
Hiccup: "No! Please, jus-- just don't hurt him!"

Y/n: "Please don't hurt him!"
Stoick: "Put it with the others!"

(Your POV)

"I should have known. I should have seen the signs." Stoick says pacing back and forth in the Great Hall.

"Dad—" Hiccup tries getting his attention.
"We had a deal!"
"We know we did... But that was before... Ugh, it's all so messed up!" I say.
"So everything in the ring... A trick?! A lie?"
"We screwed up. We should have told you before now. Take this out on me, be mad at me, but please... Please just don't hurt Toothless."

"Please just DON'T hurt Toothless." I echo.
"The dragon? That's what you two are worried about? Not the people you almost killed?! And you Y/n. I thought you were be better than this. Your parents would be so disappointed in you." Stoick say shaking his head in disappointment.
"He was just protecting Hiccup! He's not dangerous."
"They've killed HUNDREDS OF US!"
"AND WE'VE KILLED THOUSANDS OF THEM! They defend themselves, that's all! They raid us because they have to! If they don't bring enough food back, they'll be eaten themselves. There's something else on their island, Dad... it's a dragon like—" Hiccup argues back.
"--Their island? So, you've been to the nest."

"Did I say nest?"
"How did you find it?!" Stoick yells. Clearly wanting an answer.
"No... we didn't. Toothless did. Only a dragon can find the island." I say quietly.
"Oh, no, no. Dad, no! Dad! It's not what you think! You don't know what you're up against! It's like nothing you've ever seen! Dad, please! I promise you that you can't win this one! No! Dad, no! FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME!" Hiccup adds realizing what idea just appeared in our father's head.
"You both have thrown your lot in with them. You guys are not Vikings. You are not my children."

(Hiccup's POV)

Dad storms his way out of the Great Hall, which leave Y/n and I alone.

"I should have died when my parents did." Y/n whispers shakily.

"No. Why would you say that?"

"I knew da- Stoick didn't really like me. Beside Berk would have been a lot better without me."

"Y/n, don't listen to da- Stoick. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I need you."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better, aren't you? Beside that's what brothers are supposed to say."

"No really. I need you. You're my best friend. You're the first one who believed in me and didn't see me any different from the rest of the Vikings here on Berk."

She just smiles at me. I'm not leaving her. Ever. She needs me. I'm all she has left.

(3rd Person POV)

[Hiccup, Astrid, and Y/n are standing looking out into the sea where the ships set off.]
Astrid: "It's a mess. You guys must feel horrible. You've lost everything. Your father, your tribe, your best friend..."
Hiccup: "Thank you for summing that up. Why couldn't we have killed that dragon when we found him in the woods? It would have been better for everyone."
Astrid: "Yep. The rest of us would have done it. So why didn't you?... Why didn't you?"
Y/n: "I don't know."

Hiccup: "I couldn't."
Astrid: "Those are not an answer."
Hiccup: "Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?"
Astrid: "Because I want to remember what you two say, right now."
Y/n: "Oh, for the love of—we were a coward! We were weak!"

Hiccup: "We wouldn't kill a dragon!"
Astrid: "You said "wouldn't" that time."
Hiccup: "Whatever! We wouldn't! Three hundred years, and we're the first Vikings who wouldn't kill a dragon!"
Astrid: "First ones to ride one, though. So...?"
Hiccup: "...I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was."

Y/n: "I looked at him, and I saw myself."
Astrid: "I bet he's really frightened now. What are you going to do about it?"
Hiccup: "Eh, probably something stupid."
Astrid: "Good. But you guys have already done that."
Y/n: "Then something crazy!"
Astrid: "That's more like it!"


Author's Note:

Quick question for you guys: Since we are nearing the end of HTTYD 1 should I...

A. Just continue it in this book?


B. Start a sequel? (And would you guys read it if I did?)

Hiccup's Adopted Sister (Httyd x Reader) *EDITING IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now