Chapter 14: Please Wake Up

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(Your POV)

[It's been almost 2 full weeks since he defeated the Red Death.]

Sitting next to Hiccup, on the main floor, I inform him of what's been going on since the battle with the Red Death. "Hiccup, you would be amazed. We have made peace with the dragons." Pausing I smooth his hair back. "Please wake up soon. I miss you."

"Y/n." Astrid whispers walking in.


"How's he doing?"

"Still hasn't woken up yet." I say disappointedly.

"Let me sit with him for a while. Go get something to eat from the Great Hall." She motions me to the door.

"No. I can't. I can't leave him. It should have been me." Resting my hand on his I stare down at the floor.

"Y/n. You've been here nonstop since we got back from the battle with the Red Death. You need to go out and get some fresh air. It'll do you good." Though I hate to admit it. She is right. I've been here caring for my brother nonstop. I guess a quick walk to the Great Hall and back would be alright.

"Ok. I'll go for a few minutes." I reluctantly agree. Turning to Hiccup I give him a little kiss on his forehead then whisper, "I'll be back soon Hiccup. Just going to the Great Hall for lunch. Astrid is will stay with you until I get back."

Heading out I turn around once more to see my brother.

(Hiccup's POV)

I hear a door shut as someone leaves. "Anyone here?" I ask, but my lips don't move an inch and not a sound comes out. I feel so trapped. I can listen to Y/n speak but I can't respond. Not yet anyways.

"Hey Hiccup..." I hear a different voice... Is it... no it can't be... Astrid??  They continue speaking, "... I wish that you would wake up. Your sister misses you. Your Dad misses you. Toothless misses you. I miss you. Please wake up soon." Yup. Defiantly Astrid. I think to myself after I receive a gentle kiss on my forehead.

(Your POV)

After quickly eating a small lunch I hurry back to my house. I'm so thankful that Stoick decided to accept me as his adopted daughter again. Especially since I wouldn't have anywhere else to go.

Walking in the door and seeing Astrid still there I smile, "Thanks Astrid. I can sit with him now."

She looks up and nods her head. Standing careful not to bump Hiccup. "I'll be back to check on you guys a little later."

"Alrighty." I then watch her exit the house.

Turning my attention to Hiccup I go through the routine of caring for him, talking to him, and caring for Toothless.


Author's Note:

My answer to yesterday's question "What is your favorite line/scene from HTTYD1?"  ... My favorite line/scene from HTTYD1 is when Hiccup and Astrid go on their first flight.

FYI: One more chapter left.

Thanks for reading!

Hiccup's Adopted Sister (Httyd x Reader) *EDITING IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now