Chapter 4: Dragon 'Study'

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"Hey Gothi?!" I call out once I get to her hut.

Going inside I see her smile and motion me to come in. With concern she points to my hand indicating she wants me to explain.

"I hurt my hand during dragon practice."

Rolling her eyes, she then takes my hand to examine it. Nodding her head, she hurries away. I'm guessing to make some kind of potion of hers.

Once she is finished, I hurry out to go look for my brother.

Even though I'm adopted, both Hiccup and I are a lot alike. We also think similarly too. Well... most of the time anyways. Considering the fact, he is not in any of our hideouts.

Running towards our house I bump into someone. "Hey! I've been looking all over the place for you. Where were you?" I comment, partially crossing my arms as it begins to start raining harder.

"Umm..." Hiccup starts. Nodding I give the go ahead to keep talking. He looks around cautiously. Giving him a worried look he whispers, "... remember when we let that dragon loose?" I nod my head he continues "... It's still there. I looked."

"You What?!?" I exclaim.

"Shh. Keep it down. Yes, I did go see it." He hushes me.

"Why did ya go without me?" I complain.

"I didn't think that you would want to hang out with me after–" he motions to my now soggy bandaged hand. "- ya know?"

"Really you thought that would keep me from wanting to go with you?" I say in exasperation.

"Yeah. Come on let get going to the Meade Hall, before we get anymore soaked than we already are."

Entering the Meade Hall, we find Gobber and the other teens talking.

"Alright. Where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?" Gobber's low voice rings.

"I mistimed my somersault dive. It was sloppy. It threw off my reverse tumble." Astrid grumbles.

"Yeah, we noticed." Ruffnut says sarcastically.

Snotlout in his 'get Astrid to notice him voice', "No, no, you were great. That was so "Astrid"."

Gobber approves Astrid's reaction. "She's right, you have to be tough on yourselves. Where did Hiccup and Y/n go wrong?" He askes the last part as Hiccup and I sit down at a different table.

Ruffnut is of course the first to comment. "Uh, they showed up?"

"They didn't get eaten." Her brother follows.

"They're never where they should be." Astrid says with a frown.

Gobber cuts her off from saying anything else. "Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breathe this stuff. The Dragon Manual. Everything we know about every dragon we know of." Thunder shakes the building. "No attacks tonight. Study up."

"Wait, you mean, read?" The twins look at each other then Ruffnut adds to what her brother said. "While we're still alive?"

Snotlout puts his fist into his other palm, "Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about?"

Fishlegs announces, "Oh! I've read it like, seven times. There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face. And--And there's this other one that buries itself for like a week—"

Tuffnut responds "Yeah, that sounds great. See, there was a chance I was going to read that..."

Ruffnut follows "...But, now..."

Snotlout pushes the book to the other teens. "You guys read, I'll go kill stuff."

Fishlegs calls after them "Oh, and there's this other one that has these spines that look like trees..."

"So, I guess we'll share?" Hiccup asks Astrid hopefully.

Astrid responds with an attitude "Read it."

Hiccup in mock excitement "All mine then. Wow, okay. So, I'll see you, uh..." The door slams shut "...tomorrow." Ending in disappointment.

Oh ouch! That must have hurt.

"Are you going to leave me too?" Hiccup asks worriedly.

"Umm... Let me think. NO! What kinda sister do you think I am!?" I say kinda hurt and taken a back.

"Just checking."

Getting a couple candles for light we sit at the table to read.

"Thunderdrum: This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools. When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. Extremely dangerous, kill on sight." He reads aloud.

"Timberjack: This gigantic creature has razor sharp wings that can slice through full grown trees. Extremely dangerous, kill on sight." I read.

"Scauldron: Sprays scalding water at its victim. Extremely dangerous."

"Changewing: Even newly hatched dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight."

"Gronckle, Zippleback, The Skrill, Boneknapper, Whispering Death."

"Burns its victims, buries its victims, chokes its victims, turns its victims inside-out." We both look at each other at the 'inside-out' part.

"Extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, kill on sight, kill on sight, kill on sight..."

Hiccup flips through the other pages ending on a mostly blank page. "Night Fury: Speed, unknown. Size, unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only chance: Hide and pray it does not find you." Opening up his journal he lays a picture of a dragon.

"Is that a Night Fury?" I ask slowly. Looking at him wide eyed all he does is nod. "Is that the one you hit?"

"Yes. And yes."

"Oh my goodness! Really?!?"

"You've been with Fishlegs recently haven't you?"

"Yup! But it wasn't today It was a few days ago."


Author's note:

April 17, 2021 - Here is another updated chapter!

Hiccup's Adopted Sister (Httyd x Reader) *EDITING IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now