Chapter 11: A New Discovery

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(3rd Person POV)

[Hiccup, Astrid, and Y/n are in the arena for the last training session before the elder of Berk decides the winner.]

Astrid: "Stay out of my way! I'm winning this thing."

Hiccup: "Good. Please, by all means."

Y/n: "I could care less if I lost."

Viking: "You got it Astrid!"

Astrid: "This time! This time, for sure! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGGGGGHHHHHHHH!"

[Astrid sees the Gronckle on the ground, Hiccup and Y/n standing beside it]


Stoick: "Wait! Wait!"

Y/n: "So, later."

Gobber: "Not so fast!"

Hiccup: "We're kinda late for—"

Astrid: "What?! Late for what, exactly?!"

Stoick: "Okay, quiet down. The Elder has decided."

Gobber: "You've done it! You've done it, Hiccup and Y/n! You guys get to kill the dragon!"

Stoick: "Ha, ha! That's my kids!"

Hiccup and Y/n: [Sarcastically] "Heh. Oh, yeah! Yes! We can't wait. We're so..."

(Your POV)

"... LEAVING! We're leaving. Let's pack up. Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation, forever." I hear Hiccup telling Toothless.

"Wait You're leaving me here?"

"Yes. You'll be safer here than with me."

As Hiccup heads to go get on Toothless without me, we hear metal on metal.

"Ah, man... Aggh! What the—That are you doing here?" Hiccup jumps back surprised seeing Astrid sitting on a large bolder.

"I want to know what's going on. No one just gets as good as you guys do. Especially you two. Start talking! Are you guys training with someone?" Astrid yells at us pushing us both backwards.

"Uh... training?" I ask.

"It better not involve this!" she fires back, pointing at our harnesses.

"I know this looks really bad, but you see...this is, uh... You're right! You're right! You're right. We're through with the lies. We've been making... outfits. So, you got us. It's time everyone knew. Drag us back. Go ahead. Here we go." Astrid then bends Hiccup's arm backwards, which makes an audible cracking noise, forcing him to the ground.

"OW! Why would you DO that?!" he responds obviously in pain. Getting between Astrid and Hiccup she then does the same thing to me. Unfortunately, with the arm that has the injured hand.

"OW! OW! OW! Seriously Astrid?! You could have at least used my other hand!"

"That's for the lies." Dropping her axe handle on Hiccup she continues. "And THAT'S for everything else."

"Oh, man." My brother says clearly in pain still.

Toothless comes out from behind a rock growling at her.

"Get down! RUN! RUN!" She tells us pushing us both to the ground and getting ready to fight him.

"NO! No. It's okay! It's oaky... she's a friend." Hiccup say trying to calm Toothless down.

"It's okay. You just scared him." I explain to Astrid.

"I scared him?! Who is "him"?"

"Astrid, Toothless. Toothless, Astrid." My brother introduces them.

Hiccup's Adopted Sister (Httyd x Reader) *EDITING IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now