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My love,
awaken or dead,
my everything above,
you make the most of the unpleasant weathers feel like the warmest.

With your curly hair that kindly lays upon your forehead, the cut that goes from your brow to your hairline makes me want to see you again.

Looking into your eyes sets my soul cold,
because I've always been used to looking at things I could reach out to but with you,
I have to shut my lips and look at the shaking ground in your eyes.

My love you never say goodbye,
you just leave, you leave me to die and I thought that anyway you would come back but I stayed in a corner of my heart and outcried.

It's better to let it all rain and it's better to let it all pour upon my skin,
there's more space outside that in my chest and against my heart your hand pressed.

You left, taking only the best and you left me in the humiliation to protest.

My love, my love I've learned that I can't keep what doesn't want to stay.

The warmth of the disappointment honestly drives me crazy and coming for more shouldn't hurt this time?
Coming for more should fill all the shallow holes in me?
Coming for more won't break me into pieces?

@hvnyboo | @evaish_

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