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Here I go again,
will I ever be really happy?
I guess it's better off this way.

My waist hurts, darling.
They've moved so much,
at the the rhythm of this sad song.
Please don't turn it off,
let it play,
the sadness helps to feel better.

I need to be balanced to find peace,
and when I'll eventually ran out of happiness,
I'll finally pass away of all flesh.
I'll finally find peace.
I get happier at the thought of not existing.
It must feel nice,
being lost, it really must feel nice.

Here I go again,
listening to sad songs till I fall asleep.
Your breathing goes on beat,
but my dear I've put this song on loop,
I guess you'll live forever.

I really want you to live forever
then live forever my love
so I know I've seen you smile
before everything ended.

Why does everything have to end?
Why do I have to end?
Why am I so happily waiting to end?

@hvnyboo | @evaish_

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