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Drag me to the starts,
I want to dance in them.
I want to dance with you.
I know the time is near that's why I can feel it burn,
it burns and I like it.
It sets my soul on fire,
it makes me not want to wait till I turn into a different feeling of the universe.

The part of the universe I'm feeling is love,
ecstasy flows through my veins,
as our eyes meet,
they simply don't.
I'm to busy looking at your neck,
your breath flows everywhere,
it spills on you,
it colours the sky,
it's in the at mosphere I breathe.

It passes through my veins,
it beats right underneath my skin,
it drives me crazy
and it makes me teary.
This is what you're made of,
thoughts and unwanted smiles.

This must be the best feeling in the world,
with my knees scraping the floor,
it smells like childhood.
But why would I ever feel childhood this old?


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