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You've kept the noise out,
in your arms I've always felt a sense of selcouth and emptiness in me,
that's all I needed,
to feel a sorrow in my chest.

I must feel like morning,
making the sun jealous of me still sleeping.
Dreaming about you and your smile,
fills my garden with Pink Carnations,
come dance with me in this heaven.
I'm on my highest vibrations,
your flowing ecstasy could open my third eye.
Who knew the key to levelling up my energy was feeling in love, it was for you to colour me in high red and white, right over my violet skin.

Breathe in,
breathe out.
With my eyes closed still searching for you,
searching for you with peach hands that are ever more ready to comfort me.
Paint me gold this time.

@hvnyboo | @evaish_

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