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I must feel like home,
or something more
but I'm sure I must feel like home;
on your way back home, to me.

What do I feel like?

I must feeling like the weekend,
I must feel like when you've finished walking your way back home,
I must feel like looking up to the sky and noticing that there's the best dusk you've ever seen in years.
I must be spread across the sky.

I must really feel like May.

It's scary because I don't feel like anything to myself and it's surprising how you sigh in relief once you're close to me.

You remind me of a finished art piece,
you remind me of a completed unfinished poem.

That's all in the past because you're gone.
Now I'm just trying to ignore the noise,
as I think about something else
there's nothing I remember about you
now it's just me and these words.


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