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Here goes another night,
staying awake hand in hand with the moon just not to forget about the type of person I am
but tonight it's better.
How rude of me to bring my thoughts in here
in your bedroom, they've dirtied your carpet.
In between the satin sheets, it's just me and my problems, I dragged myself here just to entangle my legs with yours instead of my brain with my heart,
it's because you're now what I'm made of.

Once you're gone and your fingertips aren't tracing lines across my constalattions anymore,
I'm going to write down all my unsaid words on paper, I'll draw in attempt to stop the rocking of my mind trying to awaken vivid memories of us.

Here goes another night.
Another lonely night, just me and my dreams.
Hoping you'd come and see me,
because you're like a flower that grows on concrete and nobody knows how to take care of you,
not even the weather and I'm that part of the universe that makes water good enough for you to blossom.

@evaish_ | @hvnyboo

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