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They won't leave us alone,
it's in the town centres where policemen drive around and at the corners of the roads where a melaninated boy closes his eyes and breathes deeply.

That could have only happened to him,
in my own eyes it could've happened to my own son, whom I would have created earth between my ribs just for him to lay down for nine months without fear.

I let out that breath for him as he pulled his hands together and closed his eyes,
oh sweetheart you was shaking with fear,
this wasn't like when mommy used to come and pick you up after school, this was real life and whatever decision you choose to make mom would've never judged you,
you took in that breath and I felt your cold icy breath right against my neck like I was standing right in front of you.

Still your ghost hunts me sweetheart,
the questions I've ignored through every breath I took while walking away from that image hunts me,
you're there and you hunt me,
leaving me with the question of if you were my other half and I let go of you, all based on fear.

They won't live us alone,
what's remaining of us is the pride in being the gold underneath our countries and theirs,
what's remaining of us is the discrimination,
the hate, the you're different,
the you should go back to your country,
that has been going on for decades behind all of our successes.

They won't leave us alone.

@hvnyboo | @evaish_

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