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Go find yourself a new river because your tears have already filled a very long distance.

I cried when you poured flowers onto me
begging forgiveness for hurting me,
sometimes you'd demand flowers from me,
when you couldn't buy them yourself,
you called them costly.
Bouquets are for the rich.
Then how could I afford entire rivers?
It didn't matter because you'd come running with flowers in your hands and I had to accept them.
You'd come running towards me,
calling me ungrateful after everything.

Every time you talked about how many flowers you'd buy for me I'd smile.
Make me forget the pain,
with your flowers that emanate xenon gas,
removing the emotional charge of a traumatic memory, you once plastered over me but not the memory itself.

Will I ever learn not to get too many flowers for you, I'm running out of wealth I could have used.
This is love, this is all I've ever known.
Engulfing flowers,
till the day I won't trust you anymore.


𝐔𝚴𝐃𝚬𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐊𝚰𝚴Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin