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Darling I cry mercury.

Eesome are your wings,
the apple of my eyes,
as they lay flat on the ground.
My lover I've ripped them from your being,
they left me alexithymic.

Should I take them back to you?
That question slipped away from my cold lips,
days and nights they've travelled around my consciousness and they awakened my spirit.
I made them part of me,
they turned deep black.
Is this what imperfection feels like?
Is it supposed to be unfitted for a sinner's eye?

You grabbed me by my horns,
as you looked at me with sparkling eyes,
I begged for your forgiveness with pleading eyes and by that you casted anger upon me.
I cried psychic tears
and they fought away the pain.
Dying in your arms brought me joy.
You made me the happiest being in the universe,
as your soul grabbed mine hoping I'd end soon in your tender arms.

@hvnyboo | @evaish_

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