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Cocoa butter kisses.
Sunflowers spread on your belly.
With your wings wide open.
The beauty in your eyes could never die
the closer you get I close my eyes to the rhythm of your breathing against my skin,
your praying whispers against my eyelids
shut close by the sensations flowing through my veins, I dare you to step a little closer.
It's daring me to choose truth.

Cocoa butter kisses left on the lid,
it smells better mixed with Shea Butter and my mother's hands, it smells better with you and me.
Roses spread on your belly,
as you breathe in I think that this is the only time I get to be happy.
It smells better when we watch the oils melt into one, it's way better when the windows are closed and it smells of us.

I think that's what we're both made of,
closed windows and careful eyes.
Cocoa butter, Shea butter kisses and sunflowers,
my love potion, from me to you.

@hvnyboo | @evaish_

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