1 Field trip

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By Hail_the_gay

1 Field Trip

Peter woke up first. He always woke up first but today it was an hour earlier than usual. He heard the soft humming of his Pop and decided to head downstairs and eat before his 17-year-old brother Harley, or his 5-year-old sister Morgan, woke up.

"Good Morning Pop!" Peter announced his presence when he stepped into the kitchen.

"Jesus Fucking Christ Peter! Stop scaring me like that! I'll have a heart attack." Steve jumped at the sound of his second son's voice.

"Language." Peter mumbled. Copying his father's usual saying, even though Steve cussed regularly.

"I'm dreading today. I go to school as Peter Parker, I come back as Peter Stark-Rogers. Only every avenger, Ned, MJ and FRIDAY know that. I have a field trip to Stark towers today. FRIDAY is going to welcome me as Stark-Rogers, I am doomed."

"Chill Peter, I can talk to your Dad about FRIDAY. Now get to school. See you in an hour."

"Fine, bye Pop! Say bye to Dad for me!"

"Will do."

When Peter made it to school he saw the yellow buses in the front almost taunting the fact that his secret would be found out. He met Ned in the Decathlon room, where they were instructed to meet for the trip.

"Peter, how cool is it that we're going to Stark Towers! I can not fucking wait."

"Ned, you went two days ago for movie night. Every Avenger knows your name and you have a level 9 pass. Stop freaking out." Peter attempted to calm his friend down.

"Hey losers, what are we talking about?" MJ slid into the chair across the table from the boys after kissing Peter's cheek as a good morning.

"Ned is freaking out over the fact that we're visiting Stark Towers even though he practically lives there, with the internship and all." Peter explained to his girlfriend.

"Nerd, Ned, you go almost every day. So do I, we have level 9 passes. Only 5 people have level 10 passes. That's a fucking honor."

"Good Morning Class! We will proceed to the buses now, as it is time for the field trip." Mr.Harrington announced when the bell had rung.

Every student filed out of their seats and piled onto the bus, sitting next to Ned, who was still freaking out. MJ sat in front of them.

"Parker, excited to prove you don't actually work for SI? I sure am!" That was the voice of evil and stupidity. Flash Thompson was an idiot.

Peter tried to enjoy the ride, while he was dreading the trip. The only thing he was excited for was the fact that Morgan didn't have school today and would probably join the tour, holding both Peter and MJ's hand while she walked with them. Soon the large tower came into view. Everyone 'oohed' and 'aaahhed' when they saw all 109 floors. When they went inside the guest entrance they were met by Abigail Gresham. Their tour guide, an intern in the biology department, and a good friend of Peter, Ned and MJ's.

"Hello everyone! My name is Abigail and I will be your tour guide for the day. I will pass out your security badges now. You all have a guest badge, these are only in use during this tour. They get you into the cafeteria and bathrooms."

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