Peter Parker and the Field Trip

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by xImpala67

Peter's class takes a field trip to Stark Tower, what secrets will be revealed?

Homecoming compliant
Tony is Peter's Dad (biologically) and Pepper is Peter's Mom (not biologically)
Not Civil War compliant
Peter is still 15

Peter was bored sitting in his AP Chemistry class, he'd already did this work with his Uncle Bruce, and he mastered it then and there. Completely. But now, sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring to signal the end of the day, he only wished that he could go on patrol now instead of later.


Finally, the bell, now all he has to do is leave class, easy right?

"Class stay back for a minute please, I have an announcement to make"

Apparently it isn't so easy after all. Mr Lambert just has to make an announcement. Damn.

"We're going on a field trip next week class, and you'll all enjoy where it is" Mr Lambert calmly states.

Suddenly, the silence is filled with excitement as people exclaim in joy, Peter however is slumping over his chair, waiting for the destination which has him on edge for no reason.

"Stark Tower"

All of a sudden, amongst the classes excited chatters to each other, Peter's head bangs against the desk. Of course, Parker luck is stupid, but Peter's quickly reminds himself that he's a Stark, not a Parker, that's only his secret name. Nobody outside of the Penthouse floor in the Tower know that he's really a Stark. Well, no one but Ned, Ned's known before he became Spider-Man.

1 Week Later

As the stereotypical yellow school bus pulls up at the tower, Flash leers over to Peter.

"Wow, Penis Parker, I bet you don't really have an internship here, do you? Guess we'll find out, loser"

Peter only sighs, expecting that remark, but also dreading the tour. At least he never told his family about the tour, and it's not like Tony would know anyways. Pepper on the other hand, she might know, but she won't do or say anything to embarrass him at least.

While the class and Mr Lambert are waiting in the lobby, an intern that Peter recognizes comes into view. She has dirt blonde, shoulder length hair, with black glasses on, as well as a SI lab coat on. It's Felicity.

And it looks like she's going to be their tour guide... Great.

"Hello guys, my name is Felicity West and I'm going to be your tour guide for the remainder of the day here at SI" she said as she started calling out names for visitor badges.

When everyone but Peter was given a badge, Flash suddenly shouted out to Felicity that "Peter doesn't have a badge miss, but he says he's an intern he, is he really?", he intended for Peter to become embarrassed by Felicity saying how he's not an intern.

However, she didn't rise to the bait, instead she said "Peter already has a badge, don't you Pete?", with the last bit directed at Peter, he quickly flashed his badge and pinned it onto his shirt.

"Okay, first off we're going to be going to the r&d labs where more interns are working on designing a prototype of the new StarkPhone, but first we'll have to go through these electronic scanners. All you have to do is scan your badge, like this"

Felicity steps forward to scan her badge as FRIDAY calls out "Miss Felicity West, Intern, Level 3"

"Now it's your turn guys"

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