6 Peter is heartbroken and Tony tries to say sorry, Pt.2 of the previous chapter

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6 Peter is heartbroken and Tony tries to say sorry, Pt.2 of the previous chapter

"You did what." Poppy whispered, the look on her face said it all, she wanted to kill Peter for his idiotic plans. They always were, but this one was the most stupid of all.

"I refused for you... I said I liked the family I had now because of how caring and sweet they were. And all the things I figured out like how you came to school one day with a baby and no pregnancy, having been there the week before, perfectly not pregnant looking. Also learning that Lucas, the manly man football star is really a big sap who likes to make bread and play the piano. Poppy... I did it for you guys." Peter tried to explain himself. Hoping his sister would understand.

"Not my fault when Spider-Man dies. I love you and all, but really, facing the wrath of Tony Stark isn't worth the risk." All of his siblings in high-school knew he was Spider-Man, Mia caught him crawling through the window while she was doing homework and screamed... waking up Kaitlyn and Lucas in the process. (Nothing can disturb Poppy's sleep) Forcing him to explain. They were all chill with it. Constantly checking on his health though. Kaitlyn had once taken a bullet out of his leg and sewn it back up. Mia threw up that night. She can't stand too much blood or gore.

"Mr.Parker, Ms.Robinson, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" Mr.Opinan called on them both when Poppy got a little too loud.

"No sir."

"How about I take the baby, she seems to be a distraction." The suggestion was an asshole move, nobody can trust their baby with a 64-year-old creep.

"If Ayla can't be in class then she goes to one of our siblings." Peter hoped he'd say yes, Poppy trusted Lucas with Ayla more than herself sometimes.

"Fine, go find someone who can be disturbed and give them the baby. I don't like it in here anyways." He scrunched up his nose and made a disgusted face, sticking his tongue out.

"I'll go give her to Lucas, give me the diaper bag." Peter took the bag from Poppy when she handed it over, grabbed a hall pass and walked out the door, starting his quest to remember where the French class was. Lucas' last class of the day. The trail was long, from the bottom very left corner of the school, up the stairs to the top right corner. Add a squirming baby just barely learning how to walk and you got some trouble on your hands. He raced up the steps, holding Ayla close to his chest careful not to hurt her. He walked down the hallways, trying to find Mme Rack's classroom, holding Lucas inside. When he found the plaque outside a room labeled: Ms.Rack, French 3, he twisted the knob and opened the door, scanning the room for Lucas, when he saw him sitting around the middle of the room, closer to the windows, he scooted himself over and gave him Ayla, whom he immediately started cooing over.

"Lucas, c'est qui?" Mme Rack starting questioning Lucas about why a strange boy and a baby interrupted her class, she was young and nice, but just confused.

"Oh! voici mon petit frère Peter, il est venu déposer ma petite soeur Ayla" Lucas explained back in French.

"Tell her my teacher, Mr.Greer didn't want Ayla in his class, so he sent me to give her to you."

"Son professeur, Mr.Greer, ne voulait pas d'Ayla dans sa classe, il a donc envoyé Peter pour me la donner."

"Ok, elle peut rester!" Mme Rack told Lucas

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