4 Senior Trips and Gone wrong muggings.

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By Hail_the_gay
4 Senior Trips and Gone wrong muggings.

Ned rapidly typed his fingers on the keyboard, Peter was at his house today, where the bus was headed for their senior trip. Pete must've been sleeping in at that point, or working in the lab, where his phone was on silent. He had refused to go on the trip because this weekend was the 2019 Stark Expo and he was helping everyone set up.

"Is he answering?" MJ worriedly asked him. She was worried for her boyfriend. She too, was rapidly typing away trying to pry an answer out of him.

"No... What about you Flash? Is he answering you?" Ned turned to Flash, in the seat in front of them, sitting next to Gwen.

"Nah. Gwen? Anything?" He turned to the girl who was thumping her head against the seat.

"Nope. It's official. Peter Benjamin Stark is doomed." Gwen whispered the last part. Trying not to give away Peters identity.

The bus pulled up the the large building. All 93 stories towered over them, as tall as Ned's fear bar. The children ushered themselves out trying to get into the tower fast enough to see their friend.

"Whoa, hold on kiddos. I know you're excited to see the tower, but you can wait for three minutes while I call roll, right?" Mr. Harrison stopped them at the front, holding a hand out, to signal they were to not go any further.

"Yeah, you know we're here, mark us off. We need to ask Maisie something." MJ yelled at him while pushing past his hand, strolling into the building. The rest of the group followed.

"Maisie! What're they doing. Our class is on a field trip here, haha. But... Peter isn't answering his phone and if there is any chance he is in the labs... He will have a sensory overload or pass out when the class sees him. Can you tell us what floor they're on or what they are doing?" Flash shouted to the receptionist for today, Maisie Ramirez. She stifled a laugh and told him that the Avengers were playing paintball on floor 92 that morning . The gym and the hallways. Yes, Mr.Stark built a floor full of hallways. Like a laser-tag room. Just for these occasions. When they played paintball, tag, or hide-and-seek. but she added that Peter was still out on Patrol and hadn't come back that she knew of since 9:00 that morning. Gwen groaned as Mr. Harrison pulled them aside.

"Sorry about that Miss. They're just some students who were too excited to see the inside of the tower for the first time they just ran away!" He cheerfully exclaimed, while Maisie was trying to hide her giggle with a straight face and the occasional nod.

"Of course. I understand. Now, is this Midtown school of Science and Technology?" She gulped down her chuckles and got to the point.

"It is! We're here for the 11:00 tour."

"Of course, let me get your badges and we can start once Lexie and Matthew come downstairs. They're your tour guides for the day."

"Great!" Mr. Harrison turned around and glared at the four before walking off to join the herd on the other side of the lobby.

"You four have your badges right?" When the four nodded, Maisie's stern face lit up. "Great! Now, sorry about your teacher. He seems like an asshole."

"He's fine. How is Ursa?" Flash liked to ask about Maisie's girlfriend when she was having a rough day, and it looked like she was having a rough day.

"She's in the R&D labs right now, working on some robots for the Monthly Stark Challenge. Now, I have to give out badges before Lexie and Matthew remember they have an 11:00 tour today." Maisie got up and walked over to the rest of the students, the four children trailing her.

"Buongiorno, Chris?" When Maisie got through all the names, Lexie and Olivia had come downstairs.

"What happened to Matthew?" Gwen asked Lexie.

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