Chapter Nine

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     Mexico's POV

     The hospital smelled like rubbing alcohol and sickness. The bright, white lights made my eyes heavy and tired. Worry kept my tired mind awake. I had always cared for America, but then we slowly drifted apart. Our people began to form opinions about each other, bad opinions. Then the wall was built, and it seemed to be the last straw. I thought he wanted nothing to do with me. He only wanted to protect me. At least I hope that is the case, he was delirious when he told me all of that. I just wanted to tell him he didn't need to be sorry and I wasn't mad at him. If he died... I don't know what I would do.

     I stared at the wall for hours. Canada and Ukraine went to take care of the states, I stayed here. The room dimmed a little as I felt my eyelids droop a little. I had just drifted off to sleep when I felt someone tap my shoulder. A nurse with Mickey Mouse scrubs stood in front of me. "I have an update on Mr.America." The little nurse said in a meek voice. I shifted in my seat nervously. The nurse took my silence as permission to continue. "He is stable and is expected to make a full recovery. He lost a lot of blood and we had to give him a transfusion. He also presented symptoms of sleep deprivation. A lot of rest and relaxation will be required!" The nurse said in a cheer way as she tried to lighten the mood. "Can I see him?" I asked. I was extremely tired after sitting in a hospital for eight hours, and it was the only thing I could think to say.

     She led me to Mica's room. He was sleeping. I pulled up a chair to his bedside. I slipped his hand into mine. It was white with little red stripes around each finger. "Hi.... Canada is with the states. Him and Ukraine are taking care of them. We didn't tell anybody about them... Canada called your parents and brothers, they should be here soon. UN knows what is going on and has someone handling your paperwork.... So don't worry. Let your family take over for once. Just rest." Mexico said to him.

     Eventually I dozed off in the chair, laying my head on the edge of America's bed. Little did I know... America was never asleep.

I said I wouldn't be updating as fast...


I have no social life and I chose this story over homework.

TADA!!!! I really hope you guys enjoy the story!

Love Ya'll!

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