Chapter Seventeen

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 Nobody's POV

     America had sent the sick states to their rooms. Among those were Illinois, Washington (the state, not the district), Arizona and Massachusetts.

     Only an hour later Canada came to drop off NASA.

     "Thanks Nada. I owe you."

     Canada glared at me. "You can pay your debt by telling me what the hell happened " Canada was rarely snarky, but he had his moments. Mica winced. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I couldn't think of an excuse and wasn't gonna tell the truth around all the other countries." He said sheepishly. "Anyway, Cali is really sick. I'm not sure what is causing it." The two discussed what they think could be going on. Canada suggested a flu outbreak, but the flu is more prevalent in the colder states.

     The two of them entered the house. The events of the day had left the states drained, even though they didn't do much. Worrying can tire a body. So most of the states and territories had gathered in the living room and were watching a movie.

     "Let's go talk in my Office." America said to Canada. Canada walked up the stairs while Mica hopped.

     "What's up?" Nada asked. "I'm worried about the states. California isn't the only one sick. Arizona, Massachusetts, Washington and Illinois are too. They're not nearly as bad, but I don't know what to do." Canada patted his shoulder sympathetically. "I wish there was something I could do to help." "You're helping by just listening... I'm heading to D.C. tonight to check on things." Canada's brow furrowed. "I know that's necessary, but try to rest too. Technically, you weren't supposed to return to meetings for another week." "don't worry about that. I have tons of people to help me out in D.C., I'll probably end up sitting in a plushy chair while people report what's happening." America replied in his typical swagger. "Okay..." Canada replied. "Come on, let's go make dinner!"


     America was sitting at the dining table sipping a large cup of coffee. Despite what he told Canada, he knew this was going to be a long night.

     He got up and grabbed his briefcase. He was getting ready to leave when he heard a small voice from the staircase. "Dad? Where are you going?" Pennsylvania asked. "What are you doing up? Go back to bed." Penn started walking down the stairs. "I had a nightmare." Nightmare, a much more serious word for America than for most parents. Pity twisted onto America's face. "You want to talk about it." Penn looked at him with his neutral expression. "Gettysburg." Mica walked over and wrapped his son up in a hug. Pennsylvania let his arms hang limp at his sides, stunned for a moment. Then wrapped his hands around his dad, burying his head in his shoulder. It had been a long time since Pennsylvania had cried, but hot tears flowed down his cheeks. "Shh... It's okay, it's over. Nothing is going to hurt you anymore, I won't let it." America said softly. They hugged for a long time before Pennsylvania stopped crying. "You think you can sleep now?" Mica asked. "Yeah." Penn nodded. "Okay, go climb back in bed. I'm heading to D.C., I'll be back in time to make breakfast. Ok?" His son smiled. "Ok... hey dad?" America looked back to him. "Thanks." "I'll always come running when you need me. That's my job." Mica replied. Pennsylvania walked back towards his bedroom and America walked to his car.

     America drove down through the woods and into the city. He passed through the city and entered the woods on the other side. The trees only thickened as he drove farther into the forest. The moon shone bright, casting a blue glow across America's mustang. Eventually he reached a clearing where the road seemed to end. He flipped up a switch on his dashboard and a screen in his center console came on. "Hello Mr.America, how can I help you today?" An electronic voice said. " Hey Eden. Can you open the gate to Washington D.C. please?" America replied. "Certainly sir." Eden said. A glowing rip in the air opened where the road ended. America gunned it, whooping as he zoomed through the gateway.

     The gate opened up into an empty road, surrounded by tall trees. America whooshed down the road, heading towards his capital. Eventually he exited onto a much busier road, the Washington monument glowing in the distance. Eventually he drove up to a parking lot outside of the capitol building.

     Switching on his hologram, he swiftly exited the car and strode towards the front steps. He was about to the door when a girl about 15 years old came out of the building. She had golden blonde hair and hazel eyes. She had a navy blue pencil skirt and white button-up shirt.

    "Dad? What are you doing here?" She asked. "Hello to you too." Mica replied. "Sorry, I'm glad to see you." She said sassily. America was not amused. "D.C., It's too late for this and I'm not in the mood." D.C. became concerned for her father, he was not typically like this. "What's wrong?" She asked suspiciously. Mica rubbed between his eyes. "Cali is really sick and nothing seems to be helping." D.C. walked over and gave her dad a squeeze. "We'll fix it together." "Thanks D.C."

    The two headed into the building to spend a long night of work.

     The Next Day

     America stumbled through the door on his crutches at 6 in the morning. D.C. had decided to come back to the estate with him. Her Golden hair was frazzled and she had dark bags under her eyes.

     Canada, who had come over when the states called and told him America wasn't home yet, poked his head out of the Kitchen. "Go to bed now." He told the two of them. "But I gotta..." America started to protest. "Nope. Sleep now, country-stuff later." "FINE." America huffed as the two of them trudged up to their respective rooms.

     Thank god it's the weekend. D.C. thought as she threw her heels and bra across the room and flopped on her bed.

     They both slept for nine hours, before a crash down stairs jolted them awake.

     "Wha?" Mica mumbled drowsily. He pushed himself out of his plushy bed and slipped sweatpants and a black T-shirt on. He hopped down the stairs and was met with chaos.

     Texas was standing on the kitchen counter, randomly firing bullets from his pistols. Idaho was chasing Indiana around the room. Indiana's arms were full of potatoes. Ohio and Michigan were screaming at each other. New York and Massachuettes were in the living room dressed as Native Americans holding tea. Arkansas was fighting was Kansas over his name... again. Colorado was smoking pot with the other four corners. Maryland was standing on a chair throwing money everywhere. Alabama was flirting with Mississippi. Florida was... sobbing in the corner. Pennsylvania had set up a lawn chair and was reading a newspaper in the middle of it all. The funniest of it all was Canada and Great Britain and Mexico cowering under the kitchen table.

    America groaned and face palmed, he can't leave them alone for even a couple of hours. D.C. walked up behind him in her llama pjs and bunny slippers. "What are you guys doing!?" she shouted. The whole room went silent. "Shit..." New York said. "LANGUAGE!" D.C. yelled. "Why did you bring the tyrant back!?" Michigan said. "The tyrant is effective." Mica commented. "Now start cleaning up before I let D.C. loose."

I tried to include certain states more. I'll probably feature a different state every chapter. This was Pennsylvania's chapter. I'll probably develop Pennsylvania's character a little more. There's a lot more to him than the angsty version you saw. I think I'll do Florida next... maybe. I don't know yet.

Love Ya'll!!!

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