Chapter 3

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Darkness surrounded them, leaving them to wonder what lurked in the corners of the room.  Although, light from the exterior of the mansion allowed mother and son to see each other. It wasn't much, but enough to know if something malicious attempted to reach out to grab them. Macey and Jared glanced at the lamp and then stared at each other, Jared behind the desk, eyes wide, and Macey on the other side whispered, "One." 

Jared pushed himself from the desk and shook the lamp. The light turned on. 

Macey placed her hand on the desk and gave it a push. The light died.

"We are so stupid," Jared said, laughing as he forced the desk to shake, lighting the room again.

Macey laughed along with him and said, "We are so tired our minds are playing tricks on us. Come on, let's get ready for bed. We have a big day tomorrow."

"Why? What are we doing tomorrow" Jared said as he closed the office door. Back inside the office, the light blinked on and off in rapid sequence. 

"We have to register you for school," Macey said as they walked the hall.  Neither noticed the flashing light from under the office door. 

They turned the corner and entered the foyer. The blinking light slowed to a stop. "School, tomorrow? I'm not used to my new house yet!"

"You'll have plenty of time for that," Macey said as they approached the stairs, spying the dark hall that had them terrified. Daniel didn't keep his word on, lighting the passageway, as he stated earlier in the evening. Perhaps he thinks it's funny, or maybe, and Macey tried not to be paranoid. But, Daniel could be creating fear in an attempt to gain dominance over her. Or, the noises and suspicions could be an illusion, which wouldn't surprise her, given her insecurities since Paul died.  Fears haven't eased as much as she'd like to move forward, raising an heir.  Either way, she'd have to be strong not just for herself but for Jared in the coming years. He'd become a rich and powerful man one day, and it is her responsibility to raise him healthy and strong. The challenges ahead occupied her thoughts most hours of the days, an overwhelming pressure at times. 

Beginning tomorrow, after she gets Jared all set with classes, she'll meet with investors. Another task to add to the list of duties to her son. ElijahTaber was a mean SOB when it came to his money, and the board feared him with good reason. Speaking of fears, Macey wasn't sure she could pull off mean, but she can prove how sharp she is investing money. Thanks to Paul, who watched Jared while she attended night classes. Had he prepared her for his death? He must have known she'd return to the mansion. Hindsight raises such questions of people approaching the end. They make their rounds to say goodbye or prepare a loved one for independence in Paul's case. 

"Mom, will we live here forever?" It was a good question.

"I don't know about forever, but we will be here for a long time." That was an understatement considering the stipulations of the will. 

"When I get friends, can they come over and play?"

"If their parents agree." 

Macey wondered how long it had been since children ran the halls of this old mansion. Back when Jared's father was his age, no kids came to the estate because they feared Elijah. By the time Paul entered high school, that all changed. Paul was still quiet and awkward, but he was also crazy handsome. High school girls started taking notice, and visits to the mansion were frequent. Despite their efforts, Paul chose Macey, and she married for love. Unfortunately, all the other girls assumed Macey married for the money first and foremost because that's what they were seeking at the time. Jealousy severs many relationships, including hers with all her high school friends all at once. It was a terrible blow, but Paul helped her through the pain of rejection, being a pro at it himself. She wondered how many of her old friends were still in town and if the past would impose hardship on Jared. Suppose her friends from high school are the parents of his future friends. Would Jared suffer his father's fate of alienation?

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