Chapter 32

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Macey concentrated on Paul one last time, using this last opportunity to say her goodbyes. But illusion, albeit one so familiar Macey, could feel his warmth and hear his breaths. Even so, the danger didn't escape her sensibility. Evalena lost strength, which meant she'd go full force to keep her in this false reality. Looking at Paul, her first love, remaining in an alternate state wouldn't be torture. She'd be with Paul after all. But, death is a part of life. In life, the living continues after the death of a loved one. It was time to let Paul go and continue living her life. 

But then she spied Paul's face. The sorrow he portrayed drew her into his arms. "I love you, Paul." Paul's arms felt warm and safe around her shoulders. He went to great lengths to shield Jared from the family curse. He left his family home and built a life for her and Jared, far away from danger. How could she betray Paul with David? Her fairy tale life with Paul while he hid the truth about the family tree and Evalena was remarkable. Macey looked up into Paul's eyes. She was supposed to spend her life with him, but he was dead, and she alive. She could stay.

I can stay with him. 

You must leave. 

I can't leave. 

Evalena imposed another curse, and a kiss would seal Macey's fate. She'd remain in this other world tucked away with her husband. Another cruel curse by Evalena because they'd both disappear from the living. 

I want to stay. 

Paul leaned into her. Macey parted her lips as he drew closer. Their mouths to a near touch. Macey, hungry to feel his lips against hers in a soft, loving kiss, leaned into Paul. 

The room started to spin. Macey looked all around, wondering what next? In the seconds that followed, Evalena appeared in the distance. Her angry eyes aimed across the room. Everything shook, making it hard for Macey to keep her balance. But, Paul had no trouble keeping his feet steady. Macey stepped back and saw him as a cardboard cut-out.  Evalena screeched like a banshee and widened her stance facing Paul, or another version of him burst through the wall. The cardboard version of Paul fell to the ground. Macey stepped back, shocked at the sight of Paul as a flat board. Evalena snarled at the new Paul. It was clear this new Paul was a threat to Evalena. But Paul was unfazed by Evalena. He gazed at Macey. "Find David," he said.

It was then Macey realized the man she saw burst through the wall was her real husband. Back from the dead. Just like Sarah. "Paul!" she screamed. But, Paul faced Evalena, perhaps for the last time, to save Macey and their son from the witch's curse. Macey wanted time to stop. She wanted Paul for a while longer to tell him how much she loved and appreciated his sacrifice to protect her and Jared. 

Macey heard a distant call for Jared to paint the wall. Was it David? She searched the room but didn't see him. Paul and Evalena entered into battle. They spun so fast Macey couldn't see who was winning.  "Paul. Paul!" she screamed as she moved toward him. 

Paul's face appeared in front of Macey, "Find David," he said. 

"I can't," Macey said. "I won't leave you." 

"Jared's in trouble. It would help if you went to him, Macey, my love," Paul said and vanished with Evalena. 

Macey lunged toward him, ready to die with him, but David tackled her to the ground. "Don't go in there," David said."It's not real." 

He yelled into nothingness, "Paint the wall, Jared."

"David?" Macey said. "How did you get here?"

"Yes, the real me," he replied. "I just thought of you, and here I am."

A quick survey revealed Paul was gone. Macey dreaded losing him again. But, he left her with parting words that put everything into perspective. He gave her permission to move on with David, but more pressing Jared needed her. Her future could never be with Paul. There's no future in death. At least she didn't think so. She thought to tell David, but she didn't know he'd believe Paul had just saved her. So, she instead focused on Paul's last words.

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