Tali's birthday

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6 months has passed. Ziva was now feeling like her life was back on the tracks for good. Tony had helped her to see a brighter future. Him and Tali had been the lights that helped her get through the darkness of the past years. Tony was sitting on the couch, he was watching an old movie on the Tv. Ziva walked into the living room and sat next to him. She was getting back from Tali's bedroom after putting her to bed. She was looking concern about something. She said:
-"we need to talk about Tali.."
Tony muted the tv and turned to Ziva without saying a word. Ziva continued:
-"She is asking a lot of question about herself.."
Tony was confused:
-"what do you mean ?"
-"She asked me question about her skin... why is her skin not as white as other children at her school ? Why are we not living in the same country as uncle Tim and her cousins ? Why aren't we sharing the same last name ?"
Tony said with his charming smile:
-"we are working on that..."
-"I tried to explain her but I think she is still very confused about all those questions"
-"what did you say ?"
-"I told her that one day we will take her to see Israel and D.C so she can see the lands from which she comes from"
-"why not doing this now ?"
Ziva was surprised:
-"what ?"
-"now is the perfect time, her birthday is in a few weeks.. we should take her to D.C. and Israel"
Ziva seemed nervous. Tony grabbed her hand and said:
-"it's gonna be alright.. You said it, she needs it and so do you.."
Tony was suddenly more nervous. He had something in his mind, Ziva could see it.

He leaned over her to kiss her neck. His hands caressing her face, her shoulders, her breast.. he stopped and whispered:
-"I want another one..."
Ziva was confused. As she kissed him she asked:
-"what ?"
Tony's hand stopped on Ziva's belly. He stopped his kissing to check her reaction when he said:
-"I want to have another baby.."
Ziva tensed up. Tony tried to reassure her:
-"I know this is a big decision but Tali will be 7 soon, she's not a baby anymore. If you need more time we can wait but you seemed to feel better so I thought..."
Ziva stopped his monologue by placing a kiss on his lips. She was kissing him so strongly that it was almost painful. When she broke the kiss, Tony was still confused by her reactions. She still haven't given an answer. She cupped his face and smiled:
-"are you sure you can handle my "deadly pregnant mood" ?"
-"well.. we all have to die one day"
Ziva laughed and kiss him again. Tony asked:
-"I don't want you to feel forced to do it..."
-"I don't... I just need some time to be sure that I am myself again.. I haven't had panic attacks for months which is a good sign. Just give me some time and I can be ready"
Tony felt his heart pounding through his chest. He smiled and kissed her passionately.
-"Take all the time you need"

A few days later. Tony was putting Tali to bed. He tucked her in and said:
-"Ima told me about those questions that you have.. you wanna talk to me about it ?"
She shrugged her shoulders to indicate that she wasn't sure. Tony said:
-"it's ok.. if you don't want to talk then I will do the talking, that is something the DiNozzo's are really good at" he brush a lock of hair away from her face and continued: "you and your mom are the most beautiful things that ever happened to me. Your skin is the same color of the sand of Ima's country, you have my hair and your mother's eyes. You are looking more like your mother everyday and it makes me happy. You know that Ima and I, had to make difficult choices, right ? I told you about why Ima had to live away from us for so long." Tali nodded. "I promise you that from now on, there will be no difficult choices anymore and we'll stay together, Ima, Aba and Tali... and who knows, maybe one day you will be a big sister"
He kissed Tali on her forehead and stood up.
-"good night Tali, I love you"
Tali answered with her tiny voice:
-"love you Aba"
Tony walked out of the room and closed the door, Ziva was waiting outside of the bedroom, leaned on the wall next to the door. She had been listening to their conversation. Tony was surprised:
-"hey, you there"
As only answer Ziva kissed him. It was a long and soft kiss. She was putting all the love she had for him in this kiss. She had been nervous about welcoming another child, until now. Seeing Tony taking such a good care of their daughter overwhelmed her. She knew he would be there to help her as he had been there to help Tali. She broke the kiss and said:
-"let's make a baby"

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