Childish behavior

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The next day. Tony had been picking Adam up at Abby's place. He was lying in bed, playing with Adam on his lap. He was showing him how to clap his hands which was making him laugh a lot. Ziva walked inside the bedroom, crossed her arms on her chest and said:
-"he was supposed to take a nap with you Tony"
-"I know but he did not wanted to sleep and I could not either"
She walked to them and said:
-"you will deal with him when he'll be all grumpy tonight because he did not take a nap"
-"and who's gonna deal with 'grumpy-me' ?"
He smirked. Ziva crawled into the bed and look at her husband playing with his son. It was good to see that strong connection between them. Adam was fond of his father, even though he was always asking for his mother when he needed to be soothed. She was the only one capable to calm him when he was angry, sad or scared. Tony leaned over to kissed Ziva but Adam whined as he saw it. Tony looked surprised. He asked:
-"I can't kiss Ima ?"
Adam shook his head. Tony tried to kiss Ziva again but he was stopped by Adam who grabbed his face with his little chubby hands and pushed it away from his mother's face. Ziva laughed at her son's reaction. Tony asked:
-"Adam is the only one allowed to have Ima's kisses ?
The little boy nodded:
-"oh I see you want Ima for yourself ? But I met her before you buddy" he paused and then asked: "Who's Ima's in love with ?"
-"Ima is in love with Adam ?"
Adam nodded. He then stood up, helped by his father's hands and as he tried to walk to get into his mother's arm, he stumbled and fell right on Tony's groin. Tony winced and moaned loudly:
-"right into the baby maker"
Ziva laughed and grabbed her son from Tony and said:
-"he's sending you a message.. no other male DiNozzo allowed in this house" 
Tony was still trying to calm the pain and moaned:
-"we'll see about that.."

It was dinner time at the Dinozzos. Ziva was feeding Adam in his baby chair. She was holding the spoon in front of Adam's mouth and he was obviously not really cooperative. Her mouth was opened to encourage Adam to do the same. Tony briefly made fun of her before she threw her deadly look that immediately made him stop. He poured some water in his glass and took a sip. It's the exact moment that Tali chose to ask out loud:
-"where do babies come from ?"
Tony instantly spat out the water all over the table and coughed. Ziva bit her tongue to stop herself from laughing. Tali was surprised by her father's reaction. Tony looked at Ziva and Tali with guilty eyes and apologized:
-"sorry... I was not ready for that"
Tali turned to her mother and asked:
-"did I say something wrong ?"
Ziva kissed her forehead and said:
-"no sweetheart don't worry. We are all very impatient to hear aba explain you where babies come from"
And she turned to Tony, waiting for him to handle this. Tony winced to thank her for the gift and cleared his throat:
-"hm ... well... you see... to make a baby you need two people.. adult people... very adult.. not teenagers people..." Ziva squinted her eyes, she was trying to figure out where this was leading to. Tony continued "adult people that are in love.. and then they are so in love that they do... things together..."
Ziva smiled and cut him off:
-"things ? What kind of things ?"
Tony winced again. She was clearly not here to help him:
-"things that only very adult people can do..."
Ziva leaned on the countertop right behind Tali and bit her lip in a very teasing way. Tony squinted his eyes and focused back on his explanation but Tali asked:
-"in the bedroom ?"
Tony and Ziva both turned to Tali with surprised eyes. Tony stammered:
-"yes.. yes in the bedroom...among others..." he shook his head and said: "but that does not matter ok.. what matters is that you need two adult people very in love with each other and then they do things and nine months later a baby arrives"
Ziva was fighting the urge to burst out laughing. Tali was not really convinced by his explanation. Ziva walked to Tony and whispered:
-"you were far more explicit the night we did Adam... mon petit pois.."
She pinched his buttock which made him jump.

Ziva walked through the orange corridors leading to the bullpen. She stopped when she saw her husband, hidden on the corner, peeking in the direction of the bullpen. She sneakily walked to him and stopped right behind him. She leaned over and said:
-"what are you doing ?"
Tony jumped:
-"JEEZ Ziva ! How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that !"
She squinted her eyes and asked:
-"What are you up to ?"
-"I am waiting for Torres.."
Nick showed up at the same moment with a smirk on his face. Tony asked:
-"you've got it ?"
Nick threw a phone to Tony and said:
-"of course I do. Hey Ziva"
He kissed Ziva's cheek. She suspiciously asked:
-"what is it ?"
Nick started:
But Tony stopped him:
-"shhh! Don't tell her, she betrayed me once... A stupid online fake girlfriend thing... long story.. I've lost 20 bucks because of her"
Ziva looked offended by Tony's mistrust. He was typing some things on the phone when Ziva said:
-"you're gonna tell it to me... one way or another..."
She was looking pretty serious and Tony had no desire to discover how she was planning on making him confess. He sighed and said:
-"Alright... this is McGee's phone. I am replacing every name in his contact list by Star Wars characters' names"
Ziva couldn't refrain from smiling and then asked:
-"Is this your revenge for Chewie ?"
-"of course it is. His evil monster cost me 4 pairs of expensive Italian shoes"
He typed a few more names and victoriously said:
-"And done !"
He threw the phone back to Nick who immediately went back to the bullpen. Tony and Ziva both looked at Nick putting the phone back in place and Tony said:
-"I can't wait to see his face when Darth Vader is gonna call him"
Ziva rolled her eyes in despair.

Tony and Ziva were working on a fake crime scenes with a group of trainees when they heard McGee's voice coming from the corridor:
-"TONY !"
Tony smirked and said:
-"sounds like our little probie-wan Kenobi has received a call from the dark lord"
McGee rushed in, holding his phone in front of him:
-"you did this ??!!!"
Tony stood up and turned to the trainees with a wide smile:
-"oh look who's there. King of probies. What can I do for you McNumberOneProbie ?"
-"this is not funny Tony, I had very important phone numbers. How am I gonna know who's calling me now ?"
-"I'm sure you'll find a way McGeek, you always do. You're gonna bypass stuff and encrypt some binary things and Voila !"
McGee looked at him with doubtful eyes:
-"you have no idea what you're talking about right ?"
The trainees were all looking at the scene. Tony turned to them, waved at them so they would go back to work and barked:
-"Who told you to stop investigating ! Move along, there's nothing to see here" he turned his attention back to McGee: "you should have thought about that before offering a dog to my daughter McIntrouble. I told you we are at war !"
McGee's phone rang. They both looked at the phone, McGee with a worried face and Tony with a smirk. Tony looked at the name on the phone and laughed. He gave a tap on McGee's back and as he walked away, still laughing, he said:
-"don't make Princess Leia wait.."
Tony laughed out loud which made McGee even more upset. McGee answered the phone and barked:
-"WHAT ?!" His face changed instantly "Director ? I'm sorry... no.. it's because of DiNozzo... yes I'm on my way"

Paris - the TIVALI reunion Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora