Tony's bachelor party

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3 weeks before the wedding - Tony's bachelor party
Everything was planned. Tony and Ziva were fixing the last detail about the ceremony. They had rented a house in D.C for a few weeks before and after the wedding. Tonight was Tony's bachelor party and he was getting ready to leave. Tali asked:
-"why do you have to go ?"
Tony kneeled down before her and said:
-"I told you, aba is gonna spend some time with some friends then we'll see each other tomorrow ok ?"
Tali was clearly not happy about the idea of not seeing her father for the rest of the night. Tony kissed Tali's forehead and stood up. Ziva was leaning on the door frame of the living room. She said:
-"Tali why don't you go play in your bedroom.. I have to talk to aba for a minute"
Tony winced and said:
-"aba is in trouble"
-"no he is not.. not yet"
Tali ran away and Ziva walked closer to Tony. She stroke his chest and said:
-"don't drink too much out there."
He kissed her and answered:
-"oh you know I will.."
-"Yes I know..."
The doorbell rang. Tony opened the door, Nick appeared and asked:
-"you ready man ? Hey Ziva!"
Ziva greet Nick with a smile. Tony walked back to her and kissed her tenderly. He said:
-"you sure you'll be alright ?"
-"yes don't worry about us"
Ziva turned to Nick and said:
-"you take care of him and you bring him back to me in one piece"
Nick nodded:
-"copy that !"
Tony and Nick where about to leave when Ziva stopped them by saying:
-"oh and Nick.... no strippers!"
Nick's smile faded away instantly. Ziva closed the door, leaving them on the doorstep. Nick looked worried, he turned to Tony and said:
-"I am a dead man"
Tony gave him a friendly tap on his shoulder and said:
-"it surely won't look good on the wedding pictures..."

His head was painful. Opening his eyes was probably one of the hardest thing to do at this time. He did it and looked around. He was in an hotel room. A pretty luxurious one. He had no memories of the last hours. He realized that he was lying on the ground next to the bed. He stood up and stumbled. The room was a complete mess. He looked at the bed and saw a human form on it. Nick. He walked to him and pushed him:
No answer. He pushed him harder and shouted louder:
As an answer he heard Nick groaning through the bedsheets. He was obviously in the same condition as him.
-"Wake up Nick! Where is McGee ?"
Nick raised his head and looked around to see that the room was a total mess.
He sat on the bed and said:
-"please tell me that I don't have Mick Tyson's tattoo on my face"
Tony who was looking for McGee said:
-"ah, movie references... You are good !... where the hell are McGee and Palmer ?!"
Nick check his face on the mirror and answer:
-"ah don't worry I am sure he is probably down stairs calling his wife or something like that"
Tony stumbled on something hiding under bed sheets on the ground. That thing groaned. They both looked at it. Tony carefully removed the bedsheets and said:
-"found him"
Tony helped Mcgee to stand up. Mcgee groaned and asked:
-"what time is it ?"
Nick grabbed his phone and said:
-"we have a problem..."
Nick stood up and showed his phone to Tony:
-"it's been two days since we left D.C"
-"what ? No it's impossible"
Tony grabbed his phone and realized that Nick was right:
-"25 missed calls. Ziva is gonna kill me. Find the autopsy gremlins I have to call Ziva"
Someone knocked on the door. Tony sighed and angrily opened the door and said:
-"raah what ?"
Standing in front of them was Ziva and Ellie.

They looked very pissed off. Tony smiled and said:
-"hey! I was about to call you... what are you doing here ?"
Ziva and Ellie walked inside the room. Ziva looked around and answered:
-"We have been looking for you for hours. What happened here ?"
Ellie waved an empty bottle of whisky and answered:
-"this happened"
Ziva was so upset that she started mumbling in hebrew. Tony panicked even more:
-"she's swearing in Hebrew, that's really not good"
He walked closer to Ziva and grabbed her by the waist. He asked with a childish face:
-"you mad at me sweet cheeks ?"
Ziva was upset but she could not resist his smile. She sighed and answered:
-"Don't !"
-"what ?"
-"don't try the "sweet cheeks" on me.. I'm pissed"
-"I know, I am sorry, I promise I'm gonna make up for this"
He kissed her. Ziva said with her lips were still on his:
-"you know you gonna have to do better than that"
Nick suddenly walked out from the bathroom, holding Jimmy to help him walk:
-"found the autopsy gremlins. Ellie ? What are you doing here ?"
He was so surprised that he dropped Jimmy who collapsed on the floor.
-"oops sorry dude"
He helped him to get back on his feet. Ellie was shocked and asked:
-"oh my god Jimmy what happened to your hair ?"
Jimmy was confused:
-"my hair ? What's wrong with my hair, let me see"
They all shouted "NO!" to Palmer who was now even more confused. Nick advised him to rest on the bed and added:
-"don't worry about your hair it's pretty...."
-"Original" answered Ellie
-"yeah, original, that's the word"
Tony was having a talk with Ziva a few feet away from them. Tony was seeking forgiveness from Ziva by putting on his most charming smile and husky voice:
-"I am sorry. I didn't wanted you to be worried. You ok ?"
He placed his hands on her belly.
-"I was worried. You know how hard it is for me when you are not around. You disappeared for 2 days.. I thought..."
Tony cut her off before she could finish her sentence:
-"hey I am here, I am fine.."
Nick interrupted them by saying:
-"and at least there was no strippers..."
Tony, Ellie and Ziva frowned at Nick. He asked confusedly:
-"what ?"
For only answer he got a slap on his head by Ellie who said:
-"really Nick ?"
Nick stroke his head and complained:
-"ouch, why did you do that ?"
-"because this is what Gibbs would have done AND you deserve it"

Later that night.
Tony and Ziva were back home. Ziva was lying on the bed. Tony appeared and leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed to look at his future wife. She raised her eyes to him, trying to look as serious and annoyed as she could. Tony smiled and walk to the bed. He laid down on the mattress and started to caress Ziva's belly. He spoke to it:
-"hey you! I'm your dad! Your mom is pretty upset right now so I hope I'm gonna survive this and get to met you when you get outta here"
Ziva couldn't hide her smile. Tony continue:
-"I'm sorry if I brought anxiety to both of you, I didn't meant to and now little one please close your eyes because I am about to show your mom how much I missed her"
He left Ziva's belly to get to her face and kiss her. He caressed her hair and kissed her neck. He put his hands under her shirt to explore her body. After minutes of foreplaying Ziva knew he was aroused enough. She smiled and stopped him. Tony was confused. She kissed him and said:
-"goodnight Tony.."
Tony panicked:
-"what ? No, don't do that please, you can't"
She laughed:
-"oh yes I can!"
-"this is your way of punishing me right ?"
Ziva bit her lip, she was enjoying this moment. Seeing Tony naked, aroused and desperate. She kissed him and whispered:
-"now we are even !"
And she turned her back on Tony. Leaving him frustrated and cursing Nick in his mind for making him drink so much.

The next morning
Tony has been waiting for Ziva to wake up for more than 1 hour. She was still not moving.  He was looking at her, his hand on her belly. He slowly moved to place his head close to her belly and whispered:
-"you have to be a boy. I'm gonna be very happy if you are a girl but I can't survive having 3 girls at home. I need someone on my side"
Ziva smiled and stretched her arms. Tony was surprised. He laid back on his back and said:
-"morning sleeping beauty"
She yawned and answered:
He kissed her neck and asked:
-"are you still mad at me ?"
She took some time to think about it and answered:
-"Let me see...I'm not sure...maybe..."
He grabbed her waist and started an assault on her neck which he smothered with kisses. She burst into laughter until she finally admit her defeat:
-"alright alright you won.. you won"
-"Do you have any idea how frustrating this was ?"
She laughed and answered:
-"that was the point"
-"You won't get off my hook that easily. A frustrated DiNozzo has no limit !"
He resumed his kissing, very determined to remedy to the frustration he felt all night.

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