The dance and the cake

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It was now time for the first dance as a married couple. Ziva was talking with Ellie and Nick when Tony appeared. He held his hand out to Ziva and asked:
-"may I have this first dance Mrs DiNozzo ?"
She stood up and followed him, her hand on his. They started to slowly dance, their eyes locked onto each other's. Tony smiled and said:
-"I have a wife"
-"you have a wife and I have a husband"
-"you have a pretty handsome husband"
She laughed and gave him a gentle tap on his shoulders. He faked to be hurt and laughed:
-"alright alright. Maybe I deserve that. How do you feel about being married to a guy like me ?"
She took a second to think:
-"I feel like a lot of women would kill to be at this place right now"
He smiled and nodded. She continued:
-"what about you ? How does it feel to be married to a girl like me ?"
She was about to punch him again when he stopped her:
-"lucky! I feel lucky! I'm the one who got the chance to steal Ziva David's heart. I even got the privilege to tell her that I am in love with her and didn't get punched for it... take that Shmuel Rubinstein"
Ziva was surprised
-"you remember his name ?"
-"of course.. and you dare to complain that I never listen to you when you talk"
She looked at him with eyes that meant that she clearly knew that he was lying. He finally admit:
-"alright I wanted to use this for my vows I asked Schmeil about that boy's name"
They both laughed. Everyone in the room was looking at them with love, pride and envy.

Tony and Ziva were still dancing, the world around them had faded away. Jack walked to Gibbs and said:
-"this is your moment.."
Gibbs looked at her with confused eyes. She continued:
-"the father daughter dance"
Her cheesiness made him smile. He gave her a kiss on her forehead and walked to the newly wed couple. On his way toward them he grabbed Tali and whispered her something in her ear that made her smile. When Gibbs and Tali reached them, Tony and Ziva stopped and turned to face them. Gibbs gave Tali to Tony and took Ziva's hands. Once again Ziva's eyes where full of tears, she was trying her best not to let them escape. Ziva wrapped her arms around his neck and a tear rolled down her cheek. She would have loved to share this first dance with her father but he would have never been worthy of it. She had been broken is so many ways because of him and it was always Gibbs and Tony who have picked up the pieces to fix her heart. Gibbs had forgiven her after she chose to go back to mossad and she had forgiven him after he never tried to find her when they reported her death. No matter what obstacles they had to face, they never stopped trusting each other. This is what makes them a family, they overcame any difficulties by trusting and caring for each other. She was slowly moving with him and she was remembering all the things that made their relationship so special: ari's death, Gibbs' amnesia, Somalia... Her eyes then landed on Tony. He was slowly dancing with Tali in his arms. He was speaking to her and she was laughing out loud. She was looking so proud in her father's arm. She kept her eyes on them and she knew. She knew that she had succeeded in giving her daughter the family she never had.

Ellie was looking at the scene from afar. Nick walked to her from behind and startled her when he said:
-"happily ever after"
She shyly smiled:
-"yes.. it's good to see them so happy after what they have been through. It gives us hope"
Nick pushed her with his shoulder and said:
-"you'll find someone..."
Ellie looked at Nick deeply. They stood for a long moment just looking at each other without saying a word. They were obviously questioning themselves to know if the answer was not simply in front of them. Nick broke the moment by saying:
-"wanna dance ?"
She kept her eyes on him and smiled:

After the dance, Ziva walked away from her guests. She leaned on the fence and looked at the reflection of the moon on the calm water of lake. Tony stood still a few step away from her. He looked at her and hesitated for a few seconds. He knew her well enough to know that she was probably overwhelmed by her emotion and that she would not allow herself to cry in front of everyone. But she was his wife now and he was the one who had to be there to wipe her tears away. He slowly walked to her and grabbed her waist, they slowly rubbed his hands on her belly. Feeling him wrapped around her was so comforting. He asked:
-"you ok ?"
She threw her hand back on his shoulder and smiled:
He did not insist. He knew she didn't wanted to take about her feelings right now. He grabbed her hand and looked at her ring:
-"this ring belonged to my mother. I wish she could have seen you today, in that dress, wearing her ring. She would have probably cried"
He wrapped his hand on top of hers, both their rings shining next to one another. Tony said:
-"we did it... we got a family for ourselves"
They stood up like that facing the lake for long minutes before McGee came to look for them. The cake was ready and everyone was waiting for them.

It was time to cut the cake. Tony and Ziva were standing behind their wedding cake. They both cut the first piece of cake and looked at their guests to let them have a beautiful picture of the newly wed couple. Tony smiled for the picture and whispered to Ziva's hear:
-"I know you'll probably kill me for that..."
Ziva was confused, she asked:
-"killing you for what ?"
-"for that"
Tony put his finger on the icing of the cake and spread it on Ziva's face. Ziva looked shocked. She was not expecting that. She had icing on her nose and mouth.
She frowned at Tony, grabbed his jacked and kissed him to share the cake she had on her face.
Ziva said:
-"I'm gonna make you pay for that !"
Tony innocently answered:
-"come on, it's a tradition"
She frowned at him again while she wiped off the cake from her face and Tony thought that she was incredibly sexy when she was frowning. He was about continue when Ducky cut him off by saying:
-"actually, Anthony is right. In ancient Rome, a cake was often smashed on the bride's head to encourage fertility"
Ziva looked at her belly and answered:
-"I think I am good about fertility Ducky. Don't encourage him"

Tony, Ziva, Tali and Mcgee were all gathered around the same table, eating their piece of cake. Mcgee asked:
-"so where do you go next ?"
Tony answered:
-"we are going on our honeymoon and then we'll have to focus on the next chapter of our life"
He rubbed Ziva's belly. Mcgee asked:
-"do you want a boy or a girl ?"
Ziva didn't had time to answer. Tony immediately answered:
-"a boy!"
Ziva smiled and said:
-"Tony is scared that he might not survive if it's another girl"
Mcgee smiled and asked:
-"and you Tali ? what do you want it to be ? A little brother or a little sister ?"
-"I want a sister, boys are dumb"
Mcgee smiled and said:
-"she's a David"
Ziva could not argue with that.
Tony sighed, turned to Ziva's belly and whispered:
-"don't listen to them, I got you. Please be a boy"
Ziva smiled and ran her fingers through Tony's hair.
She love when he was talking to her belly. She could already see that there was a strong bond between him and the baby.

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