Date night

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Ziva walked out from the gym club with one of her male friends from the gym. They were talking and laughing. Tony had repeated several times to Ziva that this guy wanted to do another kind of physical practice with her and she had repeated that he was just jealous and that Dan was just a friend and he was married. But yet Tony was still jealous. Ziva was giving some advice to Dan about his uppercut when she noticed that someone was looking at her from afar. Leaning on the hood of his car, with his sunglasses on, long after the sun has set and a confident smile on his face. She hugged Dan and waved goodbye to him before walking to Tony. She stopped in front if him and he started:
-"you say he is married ? Not sure his wife would be happy with the way he was looking at your butt, but I mean I can't blame him... come on turn around lemme check"
He placed his hands on her hips and made her spin. He tilted his head on the left side and examined her buttocks. She laughed at his silliness, rolled her eyes and asked:
-"are you done ?"
-"just a second.. yep I'm done"
He let her turn around and she asked:
-"what are you doing here ? I thought we were supposed to meet at home"
-"change of plans.. I'm taking you on a date"
-"a date ? Where are the kids ?"
-"what kids ? Just kidding.. Tali is at McGee's house and Adam is with Abby. You know I've realized that we never had a date together.. we went straight to the baby making, which I don't regret of course" he stood up, took Ziva's bag from her shoulder and led her to the passenger seat "but tonight we are not Ima and Aba anymore, we are Tony and Ziva going on a date after work, as we should have done a long time ago"
-"Can I, at least, go home to take a shower and change clothes ? Or you want to go on a date with a sweaty woman dressed in a yoga pants ?"
-"No pants at all would be better if you ask me but this would have to wait until after the date..."
He winked and started the engine.

Tony had booked a table into a fancy restaurant in downtown D.C. The room was full of couples but when they walked in Tony was really proud to see that all the mens eyes were locked on Ziva. It has been a long time since Tony had seen her wearing a dress and it was still hard for him to resist the urge to take it off from her body. While following the waitress to their table, Tony whispered to Ziva's ear:
-"your body has a lot of success tonight"
Ziva laughed and said:
-"Nice try, but this will not be enough to convince me to let you have a 'night-hat' at my place"
Tony sat and laughed:
-"A night-cap Ziva, not a night-hat"
She frowned:
-"your chance are going away a little more because of that"
-"what ? I need to convince you to let me sleep in my own bed now?"
-"yes, this is the purpose of a date and right now this is not going well for you. If you do not raise your game, you'll barely have a goodbye kiss on my doorstep"
Tony laughed:
-"alright I accept the challenge, Miss David, get ready to have the best date of your life"

They were waiting for their food to be served. Ziva looked around and asked:
-"so ? How many women did you bring to this restaurant ?"
-"None, this place is only for you"
Ziva laughed:
-"you're such a bad liar"
-"No I swear, you are the first woman I've taken to this restaurant"
They were staring hungrily at each other, knowing how a night with no kids to take care of would end. Ziva asked:
-"alright! Real question now: what was the first thing you thought when you first met me"
-"hm.. don't get too close to the fire DiNozzo"
Ziva squinted her eyes. Tony continued:
-"I thought that you were..." he paused to choose his words wisely ".. different from the women I used to know. And I knew that if we were meant to work together, I would have a lot of trouble respecting Gibbs' rules. What about you ?"
-"I wanted to sleep with you"
Her honesty caught Tony off guard. He was expecting her to pretend that she didn't care about him, that she was focused on the mission and only it. He stammered:
-"really ? Why didn't you ?"
This sounds like a question full of regrets. Ziva chuckled and answered:
-"because I knew you wanted it too.. and you were so confident about your sex appeal." she rolled her eyes "sleeping with you would have given you credit. You would have been unbearable after that"

They were waiting for the dessert to be served. Some jazz was played as a background music. Tony asked:
-"wanna dance ?"
Ziva was surprised, this restaurant was not actually a place where you were supposed to dance. Tony stood up and held his hand out to her. Ziva looked around, this could become pretty embarrassing. Tony smiled and said:
-"come on, forget about everyone, I told you sweetcheeks, tonight it's just you and me"
She grabbed his hand and followed him. And once again he was right. They started to dance slowly. One hand on the small of the back and the other hand entwined with the other's hand. And it was just the two of them, losing themselves in each other's eyes. Everyone was looking at them but they didn't care at all. They were far from this restaurant. Far from D.Cc far from this world. For a moment there was no more children, no more friends, no more family. Just them. It was as if they were meeting for the first time but they knew everything about the other. They had experienced that kind of romantic moment in Berlin a few years ago but this moment had been blurred with the manhunt they were assigned to. This time there was nothing else on their mind and none of them had ever experienced that before. It was pure oblivion. He was hers and she was his.

Tony parked the car in the driveway. They walked to the front door. She unlocked the door and Tony asked:
-"so ? Are you convinced ? Can I have this night-cap ?"
Ziva bit her lower lip and tilted her head:
-"let me think about it"
-"Come on. I really put on a big spread tonight. Best restaurant in town, very funny and handsome guy, romantic dance. I deserve to be rewarded".
He put on his most charming smile. The DiNozzo signature smile. She bit her lip. She was teasing him. A wide smile spread on her face. In less than a second he grabbed her face and their tongues, entwined together, were soon dancing a ballet full of passion. He pushed her against the wall and attacked the crook of her neck with his lips. She moaned in response. They had been doing this for a few years now but everytime they were having sex they felt as if it was the first time. The first time he was touching her bare skin, the first time he was kissing her, the first time their body were one. He knew her desire by heart and she knew his too. In a whisper she said:
He kept kissing her neck, knowing that this would leave marks on her and answered:
-"No. We still have plenty of rooms we haven't inaugurate yet"
-"what ?"
She was not sure she understood what he meant.
-"kitchen or living-room ?"
She raised an eyebrow. This was pretty arousing. She hesitated and finally answered:
-"living room"
He lifted her and her legs naturally locked themselves around his back.

An hour later. They were lying on the couch. Ziva was
drawing small circles on Tony's chest with her finger. She landed a kiss right above her fingers. Tony fingers were caressing her hair. He said:
-"I am hungry"
Ziva laughed:
-"We just ate"
-"No, we had sex. I've exerted myself.. I need energy. Let's cook something"
He jumped from the couch and pulled Ziva from it. She complained:
-"Tony it's 1am"
After putting on some clothes, he led her to the kitchen.
He was bare chested with only his pants on and Ziva only had time to put on his shirt.
The water was boiling. He threw some pasta inside the saucepan and returned to his favorite activity: teasing his wife. She was cutting some vegetables. He placed his hands on her hips. It had always amazed him how good his hands were fitting on her body. It was as if her body had been designed to fit with his. He kissed her neck exactly on the point where a little bruise was starting to show. He smiled knowing that she will be mad about it tomorrow. It doesn't matter, she was sexy when she was mad.
He whispered:
-"I am very hungry"
-"Be patient the pasta will be ready in a few minutes. He chuckled:
-"I was not talking about pasta sweetcheeks..."
She smirked, turned around and let him lift her up on the countertop.

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