The wedding

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She was nervous. She never thought she would be in that position one day. This wedding was actually the first she attended to and she was the bride. She loved Tony and Tony loved her, she had no idea why she was nervous. People are usually nervous about being dumped at the altar but Ziva knew there was no risk of this happening. First because Tony loved her too much and second because he knew this would be like signing his death warrant. She hasn't seen Tony last night and she was missing him. She was checking her dress in the mirror. She slowly rubbed her belly and smiled. Her 5 months old pregnancy was clearly noticeable through the fabric of her dress. She was now questioning all the choice she had made about this wedding. Her dress, her makeup, her hair. The door opened behind her and Abby and Ellie came in. When Abby saw Ziva she rushed to her and hugged her firmly. Ziva moaned. Ellie complained:
-"Easy Abs! You gonna mess with her hair"
Abby said:
-"oh my god Ziva! You look amazing! That dress, your hair! Tony is gonna die when he's gonna see you"
Ziva smiled:
-"I would rather not Abby!"
Abby was not releasing her grasp. Still locked into her arm, Ziva tried to move her head to look at Ellie. Ellie asked with a benevolent smile:
-"You ready ? Everyone is waiting for you"
Ziva took a deep breath:
-"I am"
Ellie cleared her throat to get Abby's attention.
-"Hm.. Hm..."
It didn't work. She called quietly first:
Then she shouted:
-"ABBY !"
Abby jumped and turned to Ellie who gestured in to door direction and said:
-"we have to go"

When she walked out from the room Gibbs was waiting for her. He was pacing nervously through the lobby. When she appeared he froze. She was absolutely stunning. He had never seen her so radiant. She shyly smiled and walked to him. He took her hands in his and kissed her cheek carefully not to mess with her makeup. He never got the chance to walk Kelly down the aisle but he knew she would be happy to see him walking Ziva down the aisle as his own daughter. He looked at her with a lot of pride. They have been through so much together. Tears, blood, lose and pain. He wouldn't be there without her and she would not be there without him. They have sacrificed a lot over the year and they were finally getting the reward for those sacrifices. They always had a special relationship. She was like a daughter to him and he was the father she never really had. Someone who cares, someone who protects her, someone she can count on. As he once said, family is more than just D.N.A and he gave her that family she ever wished for. People who care and protect each other, no matter what. It was finally time for her to be happy. A tear rolled down her cheek. He wiped it away and held his arm out. She grabbed it with a smile and followed him.

Tony was standing in front of the arch in a beautiful black suits. The arch was full of white flowers. The weather was sunny. The wedding was taking places in a beautiful garden in front of a lake. In front of the arch was standing Jimmy Palmer, ready to celebrate his friends marriage. Next to Tony was Mcgee. He glanced at Delilah and winked to her in remembrance of their own wedding. It was a pretty intimate wedding. Tony was nervous. He knew there was nothing to be worried about but he had never done this before. Abby and Ellie came back and smiled at Tony. He smiled back at them. If they were smiling then it was a good sign. Then Tali appeared holding a basket of flowers. She was scattering flowers on her way down the aisle. His first thought was that she was looking so much like Ziva. A mini version of his lovely ninja. Tony took a deep breath. It was happening, Ziva would appear any minute from now. Mcgee placed his hand in Tony's shoulder as Ziva and Gibbs appeared. Tony's heart stopped. She was beautiful. Mcgee leaned to him and whispered:
-"you are a lucky man"
Everyone stood up and looked at them as they walked down the aisle. Once they have reached Tony, Gibbs placed a kiss on Ziva's cheek and held his hand out to Tony. Tony shook Gibbs' hand with a proud smile. Gibbs gave Ziva's hand to Tony and whispered:
-"she's all yours"
-"thanks boss"
He smiled at her. The only thing he could think right now was his will and need to kiss her. He felt like he was suffocating and the only thing that could help him to survive this was her lips. This would have to wait until she was finally his wife.

Tony was clearly intimidated. She was mind-blowing. He smiled and whispered:
-"that's a beautiful dress.."
Ziva smiled in remembrance of their valentine's day discussion about Ziva's dresses that were not lasting long on her when Tony was around. Tony's eyes were locked on Ziva's. Those eyes have seen so much horror but right now the only thing Tony could see was tears of happiness. They couldn't stop smiling to each other like teenagers. They had both been very nervous about this moment but now that they were finally reunited this feeling had faded away. Jimmy started his speech. But they were too focused on each other to listen. He talked about the fact that he had been their confident for more than 8 years and that he had never seen two people so in love and so blind about it at the same time. They have been chasing each other for years and now they had finally found each other. Tali was standing with Ellie and Abby on Ziva's side. She was looking at her mother as if she was the princess of a fairytale. Jimmy's speech goes on and on when suddenly Ziva's eyes widen. She looked almost shocked. Tony was confused. He anxiously whispered:
-"what's wrong ?"
-"it moved"
-"the baby. He's moving"
Ziva grabbed Tony's hand and placed it on her belly. It was the first time she felt it moving and she couldn't wait to make Tony feel it. Jimmy, as the rest of the guests, was confused. He asked:
-"something's wrong ?"
The baby kicked and Tony lost his mind. He shouted:
Everyone laughed and cheered. Tony asked Tali to come to place her hand on her mom's belly. They really wanted her to be a part of every step of Ziva's pregnancy. She giggled as she felt it kicking inside.

The ceremony resumed to where they left it before the kicking and it was now time for them to exchange their vows. Tony started first:
-"I am usually pretty good at this. Talking is usually my thing but when I see you here, in that dress, carrying our second child I have no words to describe this moment. You were a stranger, you became my coworker, my partner, my best friend, my love, my soulmate, the mother of my child. You already are my future and today I am so proud to take you as my wife. From now on, I promise that I'll always be that class clown that you love so much, I'll keep on getting you mad with my jokes and I'll keep on teaching them to our kids and I promise that I will only live by one rule: I will do everything in my power to protect you and our children and I will love you everyday for the rest of my life"
Ziva's eyes were full of tears. A tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. She wanted to kiss him so bad. She cleared her voice and started:
-"Tony. You have made me the woman I am today.
You've taught me so much. You've taught me how to be myself, you've taught me how to be a good partner, you've taught me how to love but more important you've taught me about movies.." Everyone laughed. "you've made me a better woman, you've made a mother and now a wife. You've given me all the things I have stopped wishing for. You always had my back and you saved me in every way a person can be saved. I promise that I will keep on loving you even when you are driving me crazy, even when you are correcting my english, even when you act like a child. Tony DiNozzo I promise that I will always love you and I dare you not to make a movie reference right now"
Tony smiled, he was really fighting the urge to make a movie reference. She knew him by heart and she herself used movie references in her wedding vows which was basically the most beautiful way of showing her love to him.

Their eyes were locked on each other's. McGee who was in charge of the ring called Tali and gave them to her. She looked so proud when she walked to her parents. Tony grabbed Ziva's ring and took a deep breathe. This ring meant so much more to him. He took her hand and slowly slid it on her ring finger. She did the same for him. Once the rings where in place it was time for the kiss. Tony and Ziva were smiling at each other, waiting for Jimmy to say the words. Tony and Ziva looked at each other both very confused that it took him so much time to say the words. Jimmy was just smiling and looking at his friends, enjoying the moment. He had clearly forgotten that he was the one in charge of the ceremony. McGee cough to make him come back to his sense:
-"oh .. I am sorry guys.. you may now kiss the bride"
FINALLY ! Tony grabbed Ziva's face and kissed her. It was as if he had been crossing the desert with no water and Ziva's lips were his oasis.
As they were still kissing Jimmy said:
-"ladies and gentlemen, friends and family. It is my honor to present you for the first time: Mr and Mrs DiNozzo"
Tony took Ziva's hand and waved it to the hair to show everyone that she was finally his wife. Everyone applauded and cheered. Tony grabbed Tali. He had now the two most important women in his life next to him.

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