Moving on

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Ziva entered the living room. She was astonished to find Tony and Tali perfectly quiet, both sat on the living room table when she was used to find them running around the house, chasing each other:
-"what are you doing ?"
-"I'm helping Tali with her school project. We are doing her family tree. We actually need your help on the David's side by the way"
Ziva walked closer and took a look at it. She was not very pleased by the idea of creating a family tree where almost everyone was dead and most of them in pretty terrible ways but she smiled and sat next to Tali. She gave them some information on her grandparents, aunts and cousins but there was not much she could say about them. Once the tree was done Tali was looking very confused. She asked:
-"why is grandpa Gibbs not on the tree ?"
Tony and Ziva looked at each other and smiled. Ziva caressed her daughter's head and said:
-"because grandpa Gibbs is not really related to us. It's not like you and Aba. He is not my biological father, he is like a second dad to me, a dad that was chosen by my heart."
-"why did you need a second dad ?"
Ziva took and deep breathe and smiled. It was not an easy subject for a child:
-"well.. I didn't need another dad it's just that my heart felt like it was more connected to Grandpa Gibbs' heart rather than Saba Eli's heart"
Tali looked upset:
-"but I want to put Grandpa Gibbs in the tree"
Tony smiled at his daughter's character. When she was upset she was looking so much like Ziva. Ziva grabbed another piece of paper and draw a circle on it:
-"well then we should do another family tree"
She put Tali's name in the middle and added Adam's name next to it. Then she wrote her name and Tony's name around it. She finally added Gibbs, McGee, Abby, Jimmy, Ducky, Nick and Ellie in the circle. Once she was done she proudly said:
-"see this is your chosen family tree. It doesn't really look like a tree but... let's find a name to it. It's our family...."
-"cloud !!"
Ziva liked the idea:
-"alright then ! Here it is ! Tali and Adam's family cloud"

It was late. Tali was asleep and Ziva came back from checking on Adam in his bedroom. Tony was quietly sat on the couch. He was looking pretty focused on something. Ziva walked to him and sat next to him:
-"what are you doing ?"
Tony hesitated for a second, he was scared that Ziva might think it was ridiculous and then said:
-"You know I've been thinking about my old bucket list, this is not me anymore. You gonna think it's stupid but I'm writing a new one, for DiNozzo 2.0"
Ziva smiled:
-"I don't think this is stupid.."
Tony continued:
-"can you believe how one little decision can change everything ? Look at me, what would have happened if I had decided to get into my family business instead of becoming a cop ? I would probably be broke by now, married to a wife that hates me, with probably kids that I don't really know and who also hates me... one little decision"
Ziva lean forward and kissed him:
-"thank god you took the right decision"
She grabbed a piece of paper from his hands and took a pen on the coffee table and started chewing it. Tony asked:
-"what are you doing ?"
-"writing my bucket list... Ziva 2.0"
She focused on her list and before turning back to his Tony nonchalantly said:
-"no need to write it down, I am not gonna buy you a pony..."
Ziva laughed, winced and put some ink on Tony's cheek to make him pay for his mockery. Tony smiled. He was happy that he could shared this with her. He looked at her chewing her pen and he was suddenly hit by a flashback of her, sitting at her desk in the bullpen, chewing a pen. It still has the same effect on him, he still thought that it was very sexy. He focused back on his list but his mind was clearly still focused on her.

-"oh my god you are as grumpy as your father sometimes !"
Ziva was trying to feed Adam but it seems like he had not intention to cooperate. Tony heard Ziva's complaint and walked in:
-"what's wrong ?"
-"your son is being a DiNozzo !"
-"What's that supposed to mean ?"
Ziva sighed and regain composure, she was obviously very anxious:
-"I've been trying everything! He doesn't want to eat !"
-"that's definitely not a DiNozzo thing"
Tony walked closer to Ziva and grabbed her waist:
-"what if the problem is elsewhere?"
Ziva looked at Tony. She had no patience for a psychological therapy right now. Tony continue:
-"you are nervous, he can feel it"
Ziva first tried to stubbornly contest his idea but she knew he was right and it was getting her even more upset.
-"Is this about our trip to D.C ?"
Ziva took a moment to answer. She was about to admit that he was right and above all she thought that her reaction was ridiculous:
-"it's gonna be his first time on a plane... the first time he leaves his birthplace"
Tony smiled, kissed Her and said:
-"how about you enjoy your flight with Tali and you let me handle him ? The DiNozzo boys are gonna be a big hit on first class. Single ladies love men with babies"
Ziva slapped his butt to show her displeasure about hearing him speaking about flirting with any other woman than her. Tony laughed and grabbed Adam:
-"alright no single ladies for us"
Ziva smiled and agreed to Tony's idea even though she knew she could not resist to hold her son in her arms for 12 straight hours.

Paris - the TIVALI reunion Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα