Tony's gift

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A few months later
Tony and Ziva were back in Paris. The wedding was coming faster than they thought and there was still a lot to be done. It was Ziva's birthday and Tony had cooked dinner. Ziva had opened her presents and they were now resting on the couch in the living room. Ziva called Tali and said:
-"you know what we talked about a few days ago ? Aba's gift ?"
Tali suddenly seemed excited:
-"go get it"
Tali rushed out and came back with an sheet of paper. She held it out to her father. It was a drawing. Tony looked at it. He was a bit confused but he thank her anyway and took a look at the drawing. On the paper she had drawn her family. Tony grabbed her and took her closer so she could explain him what she had drawn:
-"this is uncle Tim, here is grandpa and saba Gibbs. Here is auntie Abby"
Tony asked:
-"this is me here ?"
Tali nodded:
-"yes this is you and here it's me, Ima and her baby"
It took several seconds to Tony to really realize what Tali had just said. He stopped and asked:
-"what did you say Tali ?"
Tali looked at her mom for approval. Ziva smiled and nodded:
-"this is Ima and the baby she has in her belly"
Tony turned to Ziva in shock:
-"really ?"
She smiled wider and nodded:
-"yes, really"
Tony stood up and pulled Ziva from the couch to kiss her and hug her. It was Ziva's birthday but he was the one who had received the most beautiful gift he could have wished for.

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