Good cop, bad cop

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It was the end of the day. Tali was playing with Emily, the neighbour's daughter, in the backyard. Ziva walked down the stairs when she saw Chewie running through the house with one of Tony's most expensive shoes in his mouth. Of course Tony was running after him. Ziva thought: "again ?". Adam whined as she placed him in his playpen: ⠀
-"Ima is coming back, she have to save Chewie's life"
Tony was running after the dog and Ziva was running after Tony when the doorbell rang. Ziva opened the door and was very surprised to see Vance standing there:⠀
-"Good evening agen..." he paused "good evening Ziva" ⠀
Behind Ziva appeared a triumphant Tony with his shoe in one hand and Chewie on the other. He waved the shoe and shouted: ⠀
-"I GOT IT !" ⠀
He froze with his shoe still up in the air as he saw Vance in the entrance. ⠀
-"Director ? What are you doing here ? Something's wrong at the office ?"⠀
-"Nice shoe DiNozzo. No, everything's fine at the office. I am here to talk to you about something"⠀
They led Vance to the living room and offered him a drink. Vance said:⠀
-"I am here to make you an offer. Two of our training officers have resigned. I need 2 training officers to train the future NCIS agents and I want you to handle that task. I know this is nothing like the work on the field but I thought 'who would be more qualified for this job than 2 of my best former field agents" ⠀
Tony smiled like a child after Vance's last words and said: ⠀
-"probies... probies everywhere" ⠀
Ziva was suddenly more tense. She had been thinking about getting back to work but she was not sure NCIS was a good idea. Vance noticed her hesitation  and said: ⠀
-"I don't need an answer now, I just want you to think about it" ⠀
Tony who was still fantasizing asked:⠀
-"can I have a parking spot with my name on it ?" ⠀
Ziva was not even surprised that Tony had already made up his mind about it. She remained silent for most of the discussion. ⠀

It was late. Ziva cuddled up to Tony's side. She was still torturing her mind with Vance's proposition. Tony asked:
-"you are still thinking about Vance's proposition?"
She sighed:
-"What about the kids ? Who's gonna take care of them. I am not sure this is a good idea"
-"And I think this is the best idea"
Ziva laughed:
-"of course you do, you will be able to talk about yourself and your exploits all day long and get paid for that"
-"and you will be able to kick some probies ass all day and scare them to death.. and for the kids: come on ! You are not going to stay at home forever with them. NCIS has a great daycare system or we can hire a nanny. You have to think about your needs sometimes. You need this. We will be a hell of a team, good cop, bad cop, working together again.. I will definitely be the good cop"
-"I will be the bad cop? They are going to hate you !"
-"what ? Why ? I'm a nice guy."
-"yeah a nice guy who's gonna call them 'probie' or give them stupid names and brag about his glorious NCIS career as 'very special agent Anthony DiNozzo'. And by the way, if you brag about how many women you've dated thanks to your badge, it's your ass that I'm gonna kick !"
And Tony's work was done. By just talking about what working at NCIS could be, he had succeeded in soothing all of Ziva's concerns. Tony went back to his more serious attitude and said:
-"come on you know this is what you need. Working for NCIS again but no more danger, no more 'hurting people with the decision that you make', just teaching probies to be as good of a cop as you were"
Ziva smiled and whispered:
-"I love you"
Tony smiled back and said:
-"I understand, I am a pretty handsome, funny and caring husband..."
Ziva gave him a punch in his groin which made him moan. He said with a moaning voice:
-"alright, not the answer you were waiting for. I love you too"
As they kiss Tony's attention was dragged by the sound of leather being chewed not far from them. He looked at Chewie with resignation and said:
-"why is it always MY shoes ?"
-"it's his way of showing that he loves you too"

-"are you sure you gonna be able to handle them on your own Tony ?"
-"don't worry, we'll be fine ! It's just a couple of days and let me remind you that I received the title of 'number one dad' "
He showed his mug that was made at school by Tali for father's day a couple of years ago.
Ziva was going to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers in Georgia for a couple of days to get ready for her future work at NCIS as a physical training officer.
Ziva kissed and hugged Tali:
-"you listen to Aba"
-"I will"
Ziva added in hebrew:
-"don't drive him crazy ok"
And the little girl laughed and nodded.
Ziva rose to face Tony and said:
-"I'll call you when we arrive. Don't let her watch movies she's not supposed to watch EVEN if you are hiding her eyes, understood ?"
-"copy that boss"
-"I'm gonna miss you"
She kissed Tony. He held her head to make the kiss last longer.
Adam, in Tony's arms, babbled. Ziva turned her attention to him:
-"Yeah, Ima's gonna miss her little baby too"
And she kissed Adam's forehead and chubby bare feet.
Ziva stopped right before leaving and said to Tony:
-"be nice with Chewie.."
Tony put on his displeased face and answered:
-"I will"
Ziva walked out of the house. Tony turned to Tali and asked:
-"cereals for dinner ?"
Tali raised her arms and yelled:

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