Rule number 1

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Tony and Ziva were walking to the daycare building, Adam in Tony's arms. Ziva was walking fast when Tony was limping along a few feet back from her. She stopped, looked at her watch and turned to see what Tony was up to:
-"come on Tony ! We are already late !"
-"I am not sure this is a good idea. Why don't we get a nanny instead of daycare"
-"what is wrong with daycare ? It was your idea !"
-"I know but.."
-"but what ?" Her voice softened as she booped Adam's nose and caressed his chubby cheeks: "Adam is going to be very happy, he's going to play with many other children, he's going to do a lot of stuff and we will come to pick him up after work" she turns her voice back into 'upset mode' "and Aba is going to hurry up before I decide to make him hurry myself"
She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the building. The daycare room was full of kids. Running around, screaming and crying. Tony was struck by his old anxiety but this time he was nervous about leaving his son to complete strangers, with kids that could give him all sorts of disease, disease that he would get afterwards. Tony loved his children but he was not really fond of other people's children. He was paralyzed in the middle of the room, holding his son close to him. Ziva was waiting for one of the childcare worker to welcome them. Tony whispered to her:
-"children are mean Ziva.. they steal toys, they pull hair, they hit and bite.. they are the evil version of people"
Ziva smiled to the woman who was coming toward them and whispered:
-"stop it ! We have to make a good impression"
Ziva introduced herself and her husband. It was now time to leave Adam but Tony was still holding him tightly. There was an awkward silence between Ziva and the woman then Ziva nudged Tony to make him react. Tony sighed and gave Adam to the childcare worker. They both kissed their son and Ziva forced Tony to get out of the room by pulling him by the arm.

The group of trainees entered the dark room. They were chatting about the rumors they had heard about their new instructors. One of them said:
-"I've heard that she can kill you with a paper clip"
-"I've heard she was mossad"
-"what ? Who told you that ?"
-"that guy.. hm.. Torres"
-"mossad ? I thought we were here to become investigators, not assassins. Mossad or not there is nothing she can do that I can't"
He smiled with pride and walk further inside the room. As he was about to take another step he was stopped by the blade of a knife that flew through the room and finishing its course on the wall right next to his face. For a second everyone in the room had a heart attack. Ziva stepped out from the shadow and walked toward the trainees. They seemed to be paralyzed. She took her knife from the wall and walked around the trainee she had targeted a few minutes earlier. She was looking at him from head to toe, walking slowly around him like a predator. She was wearing her famous ponytail, the one that Tony loved so much. She looked even more dangerous with it. She was playing with her knife. She stopped and asked:
-"your name ?"
He stammered:
-"fo..foster, Ma'am"
She smirked and said:
-"well Mister Foster... take that knife from me"
He smiled confusedly:
-"what ?"
-"it's a simple order.. take that knife from me"
Everyone was looking at the scene knowing that he was trapped. Refusing to take the knife would be  disobedient and trying to take the knife would be painful. He laughed at the stupidity of the situation and grabbed the knife.. or tried to. As soon as his hand touched the knife handle, Ziva's hands were on his neck and in less than a minute he was down on the ground choking with Ziva's leg around his neck.
-"lesson number one: never underestimate your enemy, you might be taller, stronger or faster, it is useless if you are dumber"

Ziva was on the floor, her leg still locked around the neck of the trainee, when Tony walked in with a bag of popcorn in his hand. He grabbed some popcorn and threw them in his mouth. He said while chewing:
-"I see you've met my lovely wife" he walked to them and bent over to check at the boy's face "Ziva I think he is turning blue, maybe you should release him, Vance is not gonna be happy if we break one of his toys on day one"
Ziva released the trainee and let Tony introduce himself:
-"alright listen up probies, I am former very special agent Anthony DiNozzo and this is my partner in crime former special agent Ziva David. Rule number one.."
One of the trainee cut him off by saying:
-"..don't talk about fight club ?"
Everybody laughed. Tony froze and walked to the trainee. He was standing really close to his face. He smirked and forced a laugh before turning into a very upset attitude:
-"oh you want to be the funny one ? The one who cracks jokes and is the 'cool' guy ? Sorry to crush your dreams Probie but this guy is me and you better get in line with your fellow probies or you'll be next on her list" Ziva rolled her eyes. He was really enjoying this. Tony continued:
-"now if I can continue, rule number one: don't make her angry, it's dangerous for your life expectancy"
He pointed at Ziva, who frowned at him:
-"if you do make her angry, I will have a very bad day and someone will have to pay for it. Rule number 2: don't use double negatives, it confuses her and it makes her angry, which brings us back to rule number one which is ?"
They answered in unison:
-"don't make her angry"
-"very good ! They learn fast"

It was now lunch break, the trainees were gone and Ziva was putting the practice gear away while Tony was eating his popcorns and playing with his phone. Ziva frowned:
-"are you going to help me ?"
-"I'm busy. I have to beat McGee at this stupid game"
-"why do you play it if you think this is a stupid game"
-"because McGee said I was too old for it and I would never beat his high score"
-"you are such a child sometimes"
-"you already knew it when you said yes"
He waved his ring finger with his wedding band.
As an answer Ziva threw one of the boxing headgear to him which made him grumble.
When Vance entered the room, Tony jumped out of surprise, spin around quickly and hid the popcorns behind his back. Vance stood still in front of Tony, looking at him with his very serious eyes. Tony was not moving. Vance said:
-"are you ok DiNozzo ?"
Tony simply nodded as an answer. Vance was not a fool, he asked:
-"is your mouth full DiNozzo ?"
Tony was trapped. He guiltily nodded and revealed the popcorns hidden behind his back. Vance turned to Ziva and said:
-"he hasn't changed ?"
Ziva smiled and said:
-"no he has not.. he is still so.... Tony"
Tony couldn't help himself. Even with a mouth full of popcorn he had to ask:
-"what's that supposed to mean ?"
Some popcorn ended up on Vance's jacket. Tony looked sorry and wiped Vance's shoulders with his hand and apologized. While he was still staring at Tony, Vances said to Ziva:
-"please make sure that he sets a good example for our future recruits"
-"you can count on me Director, I'll keep him on the right path"
She winked at Tony and he winced, knowing that she would take her job very seriously.

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