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Ziva was feeding Kate on the couch. It was pretty late and the boys were out for the night. The house was quiet, only the sucking noise from Kate could be heard. Ziva started to sing an hebrew lullaby her mother used to sing. The living room was peaceful when the door suddenly swung open and Tony walked in, supported by Nick and McGee. His face was bruised and his shirt stained with blood. Ziva jumped from the couch and asked worriedly:
"what happened ?"
Tony moaned as he collapsed on the couch:
"Don't tell her Nick !"
Ziva frowned and barked:
"Yes ! You better tell me Nick !"
Nick hesitate for a moment then said:
"Sorry mate. She scares me more. He went into a fight with somes jerks at the bar"
Ziva gave Kate to McGee and said:
"Nick, there's my first aid kit on the closet above the bathroom sink go take it"
Ziva knelt in front of Tony to check his wounds. His eyebrow was bleeding and the corner of his mouth was swollen and blue.
A small voice raised from behind them:
"Ima. What's wrong with daddy ?"
Everyone's eyes turned to Adam. Ziva rushed to him and said:
"Don't worry baby. Aba is fine. He just did a very stupid thing but he's fine. Ima is going to fix him. Now go back to bed"
McGee said:
"Hey buddy! How about I take you back to bed and read you a story ?"
Adam grabbed McGee's hand and glanced at his father. Tony said:
"Goodnight son. Aba's fine" then whispered "unless mommy decides to kill him"
Ziva scowled at Tony. Nick came back with the first aid kit. She touched Tony's opened eyebrow which made him moan:
"Don't you dare complain ! You brought this on yourself! You better have a good reason "
"Those guys were trying to mess with McGee ok. I had to do something"
Ziva sighed. His intentions were nobles after all:
"Did they get what they deserved?"
"Oh yeah"
"It's gonna be very hard after that to teach Tali not to use her fists to deal with problems at school"
Tony chuckled:
"Like it's only my fault if our daughter is a hot tempered ninja. Remind me who sliced the wheels of a car when she was younger ?"
Ziva pushed on Tony's open wound to make him regret his last sentence. Tony moaned and smirked:
"That's what I thought"

Tony ran home with a big cardboard box in his arms and an over excited smile on his face. He barely noticed Ziva on the couch and rushed to his office. Ziva knew there was something to be worried about. She followed him and found him knelt on the floor, surrounded by cardboard and polystyrene. She asked worriedly:
"What is this ?"
Tony grabbed the precious item and took a better look at it before standing up. He said:
"This my dear is the gift I've always wanted to offer myself. This is the accomplishment of a lifetime. This is pure beauty"
Ziva looked at the object that Tony was holding in front of him, a framed poster of a James Bond movie. Ziva looked at Tony's overwhelmed face and said:
"This is just a poster Tony"
Tony frowned:
"How dare you" he looked at the frame and said: "don't listen to her she doesn't know what she's saying" he turned back to Ziva and said "this is not JUST a poster Ziva. This is an original poster of the first James Bond. Dr. No from 1962 signed by the honorable Sean Connery himself. What I'm holding here Ziva is a piece of history"
Ziva rolled her eyes:
"If you say so.. And how much did this piece of history cost you ?"
Tony with his eyes rapt with wonder, nonchalantly said:
"5000 dollars"
Ziva burst out:
"WHAT !"
Tony realized his mistake when he saw Ziva with her furious gaze walking toward him. He walked backward and stammered:
"Wait.. yes.. I see what you mean ok"
"You bought this stupid poster 5000 dollars ?"
Tony whispered:
"Original James Bond, remember.."
"I know, I know this is a lot of money but you should see this as an investment, an heritage"
Tony looked at Ziva to see if there was any chance she was sharing his vision of a heritage. He wrapped his arms around the frame and begged:
"Please don't make me sell it back"
Tony was looking like Adam when he was younger and he was refusing to share his toys with other kids. Ziva sighed and said:
"Get this thing out of my sight before I decide to kill you with it"
Tony burst out of joy and said:
"Thank you! You're the best"
Tony put on his best 007 imitation and said:
"Mister Bond sends his regards"
Zive looked at Kate, sniffed and said:
"If James Bond could hurry... he has a diaper to change"
Tony winced and took one last look at his newest purchase before grabbing his daughter to take care of her.

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