Twenty Three

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Third Person's POV

The baby is sick because he was really sad. Seokjin caresses the baby's cheek as he watches him crying softly. Namjoon handed him the baby earlier and he was burning and whimpering, it hurts to see the babies getting sick. Jimin whimpers again as Seokjin tries to make him take one drop of syrup.

"Shh... it's okay baby, you'll be fine."

Namjoon is holding Jungkook as they look at Seokjin. Jungkook worriedly look up at his Namnam-hyung.

"Namnam hyung, Is Chimchim okay?" Kookie asked and Namjoon shook his head, Kookie pushes his bottom lip out.

"Chimchim is sick because of Kookie, wright?"He asked softly head hang low as he played with his hyung's collar guiltily.

"Kookie made Chimchim sad." He says blaming himself and Namjoon shushes the baby.

"It's not Kookie's fault okay? Chimchim will be okay, Eomma is taking care of him so he'll be okay, I promise." Kookie narrows his brow and nodded his head not really convince.

"We're not allowed to be near Jimin so let's go in the living room and play with the other babies, okay?" Jungkook only nod his head, eyes refusing to meet Namjoon's.

Namjoon carefully places Jungkook on his own feet. Taehyung is playing alone while Yoonji is watching cartoon in his Uncle Yoon's phone. Taehyung perk up when he saw Kookie walking towards him.

"Kookie, let's play pwease!" Taetae asked him showing him aegyo. Kookie shook his head. Taetae pouts.

"Stop being a baby, Taehyung!" Yoonji barks, Taehyung didn't listen to her and stayed silent.

"Can we go to Namnam hyung's room instead Kookie?" Taetae asks and Kookie nods his head. Little Kookie knows it's bad but he doesn't want to be friends with Yoonji anymore, she's part of the reason why Chimchim is sad.

The two babies walked towards their Namnam hyung's room. Taehyung pushes it open and made their way inside.

"Lock the door Kookie! Don't let Dora get inside!" Taetae hurriedly said with wide eyes, Kookie did as what he says because he starting to dislike Yoonji too.

"What's wrong Kookie?" The baby asked when Kookie faces him with shoulders slumped together. Little Kookie look at Taetae with sad expression.

"Kookie is bad. Kookie made Chimchim sad." Taetae's face fell and suddenly felt sad as well. Baby Tae wants to say it's true but if he will say that, Kookie will be sadder and he don't want that.

"Kookie knows well our Chimchim is a cry baby so Kookie should behave all the time!" He said though he has baby tone it came out strict, Kookie look at him with surprise look.

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