•Movie Night•

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I walk inside and I walk up to my room. Patrick follows along with the stuff. I walk into my room. I see Kenzie napping so I quietly set up my tank and I put Rosalina inside. I go downstairs and I lay on the couch. Brady runs down sits on me.

Me: What do you want.
Brady: I wanna watch a movie with you and some friends and Kenzie.
Me: So a movie night.
Brady: Exactly.
Me: What friends.
Brady: The ones from my old school.

I push Brady off of me.

Me: Fine. I'll do it.
Brady: Kenzie invited some people too.
Me: Cool.

He gets back up and sits on me again.

Me: Get off.
Brady: No.
Me: Get off!!!

Ondreaz runs into the living room. He laughs and walks over.

Ondreaz: You look comfortable.

I glare at him. Brady gets off and I stand up. Right as I stand up I hear a scream. From my room. I run upstairs and I see Rosalina on the floor and Kenzie standing on her bead, terrified. I laugh. I pick up Rosalina and I put her back in her tank. I put the lid on and I sit on my bed.

Kenzie: Why do you have a snake.
Me: Her name is Rosalina and she is adorable.

Kenzie gives me the are you crazy face.

Me: Are you doing movie night.
Kenzie: Yeah. What time is it?

I look at my phone.

Me: 5:30 pm.
Kenzie: Wanna help him set up.
Me: Brady? Nope.
Kenzie: Let's go.

She grabs my arm and practically drags me to Brady's room.

Brady: Hi.
Me: Shut up.
Brady: Ok tiger. What's up.
Kenzie: Need help setting up.
Brady: Yep.

We finish setting up before people start to show up. We have bean bags everywhere. It's seven-thirty and we have to get ready. Kenzie and I go back to our room and we change.

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Maya's pjs

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